What term best describes the type of reaction that happens when a molecule or compound reacts with another molecule or compound producing two new molecules or compounds?

What term best describes the type of reaction that happens when a molecule or compound reacts with another molecule or compound producing two new molecules or compounds? Double displacement reaction is one in which exchange of ions take place. Example: Single replacement reaction is a chemical reaction in which more reactive element displaces the less […]

What law enforcement agency combines the tasks of major criminal investigations with highway patrol?

What law enforcement agency combines the tasks of major criminal investigations with highway patrol? A centralized state law enforcement agency combines the tasks of criminal investigation with highway patrol. What are the two models of state law enforcement agencies? There are generally two types of state law enforcement: the state police, which investigate crimes anywhere […]

What is the general strain theory in criminology?

What is the general strain theory in criminology? General strain theory (GST) states that strains increase the likelihood of crime, particularly strains that are high in magnitude, are seen as unjust, are associated with low social control, and create some pressure or incentive for criminal coping. What are the four sources of strain? After considering […]

What is the color of confidence?

What is the color of confidence? yellow What Colour represents respect? Red What color represents selfishness? Black Which color creates a sense of adventure optimism trustworthiness and self confidence? Orange is fun. It’s energetic, vibrant, and warm. It is a color associated with the risk-taker, the extrovert, and the uninhibited. In color psychology, it means […]

What are the effective communication strategies?

What are the effective communication strategies? Strategies for effective verbal communication Focus on the issue, not the person. Be genuine rather than manipulative. Empathize rather than remain detached. Be flexible towards others. Value yourself and your own experiences. Use affirming responses. How can you help a child with communication difficulties? 5 Ways to Help Children […]

What is civil disobedience movement in short?

What is civil disobedience movement in short? Civil disobedience, also called passive resistance, the refusal to obey the demands or commands of a government or occupying power, without resorting to violence or active measures of opposition; its usual purpose is to force concessions from the government or occupying power. What is civil disobedience movement class […]

What is meant by peer group why it is considered an important agent of socialization for a younger population?

What is meant by peer group why it is considered an important agent of socialization for a younger population? Peer groups have a significant influence on psychological and social adjustments for group individuals. They provide perspective outside of individual’s viewpoints. Members inside peer groups also learn to develop relationships with others in the social system. […]

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