What are 5 facts about Egypt?

What are 5 facts about Egypt? Top 10 Facts About Ancient Egypt! They lived along the River Nile. Pyramids and tombs were used for Pharaohs. They preserved bodies. 130 pyramids?! Mouldy bread medicine. Egyptian men and women wore make up. Egyptians invented a lot of the things we use today. Cats were very special in […]

Which was the most likely effect of womens increasing education and professional achievement during the Progressive Era?

Which was the most likely effect of womens increasing education and professional achievement during the Progressive Era? Rich women had fewer servants since poor women worked in factories. Women became educated in professional fields such as law and medicine. The percentage of unmarried women rose as working men died younger. Women took leadership roles in […]

What is individually rational is collectively irrational?

What is individually rational is collectively irrational? To reiterate, individual rationality manifests itself in a ‘sensible’ individual decision or action following the principle we put forth earlier. Collective irrationality is just the opposite at a larger social scale, and we can loosely define it as a collectively unsound or unreasonable behavior of a group. What […]

How does geography affect Canada?

How does geography affect Canada? Similar to Russia and Australia, Canada is a vast and—to a large degree—uninhabitable country due to climate and/or terrain. Geography has played a major role in how the country has developed. It affects national and provincial politics, transportation and trade, and national security and foreign policy. How did physical geography […]

What is the major problem with using lie detectors?

What is the major problem with using lie detectors? The accuracy (i.e., validity) of polygraph testing has long been controversial. An underlying problem is theoretical: There is no evidence that any pattern of physiological reactions is unique to deception. An honest person may be nervous when answering truthfully and a dishonest person may be non-anxious. […]

What became the first battleground between those favoring the extension of slavery and those opposing it?

What became the first battleground between those favoring the extension of slavery and those opposing it? Stack #472422 Question Answer ___ became the first battleground between those favoring the extension of slavery and those opposing it. Kansas Under the ______, a slaveholder or slave-catcher had only to point out alleged runaways to take them into […]

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