What does the word topos mean in Greek?

What does the word topos mean in Greek? place What does the word topos mean? : a traditional or conventional literary or rhetorical theme or topic. What is a topos in writing? Glossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms Singular: topos. Also called topics, loci, and commonplaces. The term topoi (from the Greek for “place” or […]

How did DDT kill birds?

How did DDT kill birds? The birds’ brains contained concentrations of DDE, a breakdown product of DDT, ranging from 155 to 1,043 parts per million, with an average of 552. Populations of bald eagles and other birds crashed when DDT thinned their eggs, killing their embryos. Why was DDT banned in Canada? One of the […]

Do Superdry do kids jackets?

Do Superdry do kids jackets? Boy’s School Jackets & Bags. What age is Superdry aimed at? It targets the younger end of the fashion market, specifically designing for men and women aged between 15 and 25 years old with affordable, premium-quality clothing, accessories, footwear and cosmetics. With that said, there’s nothing inherently wrong with buying […]

Can a running back throw a pass?

Can a running back throw a pass? It resembles a normal running play, but the running back has the option to throw a pass to another eligible receiver before crossing the line of scrimmage. If the defensive backs are not fooled, the running back carrying the ball does have the option to run, instead of […]

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