What is a German Deutsche mark worth?

What is a German Deutsche mark worth? The official exchange rate between Euros and Marks has remained unchanged since 2001: One Euro is worth 1.95583 Marks. This would place the value of the man’s find at around €25,500 ($28,400). Does Canada get tsunamis? Tsunamis occur in coastal areas and are particularly common in areas with […]

How often should rear differential be changed?

How often should rear differential be changed? every 30,000 to 60,000 miles How do you diagnose a bad differential? 5 Signs of a Failing Differential Tire Damages. If you notice strange damages on the sidewall and outer tread of your vehicle’s tires, it may be caused by failing differential components. Hard to Handle. Vibrations. Gears […]

How do I check my air suspension?

How do I check my air suspension? How do you know if your system is Air Ride Suspension working or has no issues: The car is simply in the position it should be. Spray the rubber boots with a soapy water mix; if it bubbles anywhere you have a leak. Also spray fittings, if you […]

How water is precious in our life?

How water is precious in our life? Water Is Precious Let Us Save It. Water is an essential part of all life on the globe. Plant and animal could not live without water. Water ensures food security, livestock security, maintain organic life, industrial production and to conserve the biodiversity and environment. How do you think […]

In which year was the Environmental Protection Act and Biodiversity Act were enacted in India?

In which year was the Environmental Protection Act and Biodiversity Act were enacted in India? 1986 What does the Biodiversity Act 2002 primarily address? The Biodiversity Act – 2002 primarily addresses issues of conservation, sustainable use of biological resources in the country, issue related to access to genetic resources and associated knowledge and fair and […]

How much water does a bison drink?

How much water does a bison drink? Bison are herbivores and must eat 1.6 percent of their body mass in grass (dry weight) each day. That’s about 32 pounds of vegetation for a one-ton bull. A bison that size will also drink about 30 gallons of water each day. What do Bisons drink? Bison prefer […]

What is a idiom in the book hatchet?

What is a idiom in the book hatchet? end a quarrel or conflict and become friendly. This expression makes reference to a Native American custom of burying a hatchet or tomahawk to mark the conclusion of a peace treaty. What is a metaphor in a story? A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes […]

What do I feed my basil plant?

What do I feed my basil plant? Feed basil plants regularly with MIracle-Gro® Performance Organics® Edibles Plant Nutrition one month after planting. You can start harvesting when your plant is 6-8 inches tall. How do you fertilize basil indoors? Fertilizing Indoor Basil Mix 5-10-5 liquid fertilizer with water at half the recommended strength. Apply the […]

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