What does a binman drive?

What does a binman drive? A garbage truck is a dustcart or a (dust)bin lorry. Garbage collectors are dustmen (or binmen). In any event, the rubbish is taken to a rubbish tip, where it is tipped out. If British people are being officious they may refer to the lorry as a refuse collection vehicle. How […]

Can sea water be used for drinking?

Can sea water be used for drinking? Humans cannot drink saline water, but, saline water can be made into freshwater, for which there are many uses. The process is called “desalination”, and it is being used more and more around the world to provide people with needed freshwater. Why is sea and ocean water useless? […]

Why do the Packers have Cheeseheads?

Why do the Packers have Cheeseheads? Cheesehead is a nickname referring to fans of the Green Bay Packers and/or the wearable foam hat that resembles a large chunk of cheese. It is referenced to the large volume of cheese production that the state of Wisconsin manufactures. What American football fans are called cheese heads? The […]

Which is better quality JPEG or BMP?

Which is better quality JPEG or BMP? BMP format has a higher resolution. On the other hand, JPG images do not have a higher resolution. BMP format gives a higher quality of images. On the other hand, the JPG format does not provide a higher quality of images as compared to BMP. What are the […]

How can I know my eamcet hall ticket number?

How can I know my eamcet hall ticket number? How to download TS EAMCET Hall Ticket 2021? Visit the official website at eamcet.tsche.ac.in/TSEAMCET. Here is a link to the TS EAMCET hall ticket, click on it. Candidates will now be required to log in using their registration number, qualifying examination hall ticket number and date […]

Where do homeless sleep during the day?

Where do homeless sleep during the day? 10 Places Homeless People Sleep STORAGE UNITS. Many have called storage units the modern-day cardboard box. CARS. Living out of a vehicle may seem like a bearable solution to losing one’s home. MOTELS. TENT CITIES. PARKS. STREETS. FORECLOSED HOUSES. ABANDONED BUILDINGS. How can I tell if my 2 […]

What does population density mean?

What does population density mean? Population density is the number of individuals per unit geographic area, for example, number per square meter, per hectare, or per square kilometer. What is population density short answer? Population density is the number of people per unit of area, usually quoted per square kilometre or square mile, and which […]

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