What is a lobster shell made of?

What is a lobster shell made of? The exoskeleton of American lobster is composed of chitin, proteins, calcium, carotenoids and traces of other minerals and organic compounds. What is a crab shell made out of? Basically, the carapace is the shell on back of the crab that is made of a hard bone called chitin[1]. […]

What are the three traditional types of bannock?

What are the three traditional types of bannock? Selkirk bannock Selkirk bannock. An advertisement for Selkirk bannock. Did Voyageurs eat bannock? More than a ‘treat’, bannock was the mainstay of the diets of explorers, fur traders and voyageurs, the young French men who paddled the fur traders in their canoes across the west. And it […]

Does gelatin dissolve in milk?

Does gelatin dissolve in milk? Gelatin takes twice as long to dissolve when used with cream or milk. These fruits need to be cooked before they can be set in gelatin. After adding the ingredients, then chill until completely set.Be sure to drain all solids of liquid before adding to gelatin so you will avoid […]

Can a Glock 32 shoot a 357 magnum?

Can a Glock 32 shoot a 357 magnum? The Glock 32 is a compact package that ably delivers it . 357 Sig payload. The one I shot came with three 10-round magazines instead of 13-rounders, but was otherwise as stock as the day it came out of the box. That was fine with me – […]

Are there any benefits to grasshoppers?

Are there any benefits to grasshoppers? Grasshoppers are beneficial and play a critical role in the environment by making it a more efficient place for plants and other animals to thrive. They facilitate a natural balance in the decomposing and regrowth process of plants. Like any other insects or animals, their waste is a good […]

When was MS 13 founded?

When was MS 13 founded? 1980, Los Angeles, CA What is a Mara gang? The Mara Salvatrucha, or MS13, is perhaps the most notorious street gang in the Western Hemisphere. While it has its origins in the poor, refugee-laden neighborhoods of 1980s Los Angeles, the gang’s reach now spans from Central America to Europe. What […]

Can I just replace front brake pads?

Can I just replace front brake pads? You can replace your brake pads in pairs (the front or the rear) at the same time or separately. If your front brake pads are in need of repair or replacement, your mechanic can fix this issue independently. The front brake pads do most of the work, causing […]

What helped the Jamestown settlers to get rich?

What helped the Jamestown settlers to get rich? In 1612, John Rolfe, one of many shipwrecked on Bermuda, helped turn the settlement into a profitable venture. He introduced a new strain of tobacco from seeds he brought from elsewhere. Tobacco became the long awaited cash crop for the Virginia Company, who wanted to make money […]

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