What are five examples of homeostasis?

What are five examples of homeostasis? Some examples of the systems/purposes which work to maintain homeostasis include: the regulation of temperature, maintaining healthy blood pressure, maintaining calcium levels, regulating water levels, defending against viruses and bacteria. What is an example of human homeostasis? Humans’ internal body temperature is a great example of homeostasis. When someone […]

What are the types of segmentation in image processing?

What are the types of segmentation in image processing? What are the Different Types of Image Segmentation Techniques? Thresholding Segmentation. Edge-Based Segmentation. Region-Based Segmentation. Watershed Segmentation. Clustering-Based Segmentation Algorithms. Neural Networks for Segmentation. What is meant by segmentation in image processing? In digital image processing and computer vision, image segmentation is the process of partitioning […]

Are birds and mammals endothermic?

Are birds and mammals endothermic? The endotherms primarily include the birds and mammals; however, some fish are also endothermic. If heat loss exceeds heat generation, metabolism increases to make up the loss or the animal shivers to raise its body temperature. Are mammals the only Endotherms? Virtually all mammals are endothermic. Endothermy is the ability […]

Who is the father of continental drift?

Who is the father of continental drift? Alfred Wegener What scientist proposed the continental drift theory in 1912? meteorologist Alfred Wegener How did Alfred Wegener discover the continental drift theory? Wegener supported his theory by demonstrating the biological and geological similarities between continents. South America and Africa contain fossils of animals found only on those […]

What are navigation hazards?

What are navigation hazards? Any obstacle encountered by a vessel in route posing risk or danger to the vessel, its contents or the environment. How do coral reefs cause problems for ships? What is most frightening is that an anchor-damaged reef may never recover, and even if it does, it may take about 50 years […]

What is a niece or nephew called?

What is a niece or nephew called? Nibling is a gender-neutral term used to refer to a child of one’s sibling as a replacement for “niece” or “nephew”. The word is thought to have been coined in the early 1950s, but was relatively obscure for several decades before being revived in recent years. What is […]

Why does fire burn different colors?

Why does fire burn different colors? The colors of a flame are caused by bits of wax molecules that didn’t get completely reacted. These glow a certain color when they get to be a certain temperature. Since different parts of the flame have different temperatures, these bits of wax molecules make those areas of the […]

Is Deep Water silent?

Is Deep Water silent? Shallow waters are noisy; deep waters are silent. What does be silent like deep water mean? —used to say that people who are quiet or shy are often very intelligent and interesting. Does Still water run deep a compliment? A sincere compliment. It is normally said of people. “ He is […]

What Organisations does the Freedom of Information Act apply to?

What Organisations does the Freedom of Information Act apply to? Which organisations are covered by the Freedom of Information Act? The Act covers central government departments and the executive agencies and public bodies they sponsor. It also covers parliament, the armed forces, devolved administrations, local authorities, the NHS, schools, universities and police forces. Are private […]

What does it mean if you can smell ammonia?

What does it mean if you can smell ammonia? Chronic kidney disease If the kidneys aren’t functioning well, waste materials may build up in the body. Those materials can produce an ammonia-like smell that you may notice in the back of your nose. You may also have an ammonia-like or metallic taste in your mouth. […]

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