How has entertainment changed in the past 10 years?

How has entertainment changed in the past 10 years? Like everything, entertainment is something that changes over the years. People’s tastes and what is acceptable at the time are heavy factors in what is produced and becomes popular. Another factor is the technology available at the time. Music, TV, and movies are all subject to […]

What is the name of the cactus flower?

What is the name of the cactus flower? Saguaro Cactus Bloom The saguaro cactus forms clusters of flowers. The saguaro flower is Arizona’s official state flower. Do cactuses flower? Cacti are all flowering plants, but some have more prominent blooms and there are a few, such as Mammillaria, Gymnocalycium and Parodia, that will flower quite […]

How do I get to Mirage Island?

How do I get to Mirage Island? It is only accessible by soaring on LatiasAS or LatiosOR. A Mirage Island can appear daily, or it may not appear, being replaced with a Mirage Forest, Mirage Cave, or Mirage Mountain. More Mirage spots can appear via StreetPass. If a Mirage Island is received via StreetPass, it […]

Is jam a low risk food?

Is jam a low risk food? Examples of Low Risk Foods are: Jam, biscuits, dried foods, cereal, dried pasta, dried rice, flour, crisps, canned foods. What are the high risk foods for food poisoning? Here are the top 9 foods that are most likely to cause food poisoning. Poultry. Share on Pinterest. Vegetables and Leafy […]

At what temperature do sprinklers activate?

At what temperature do sprinklers activate? between 155 to 165 degrees Fahrenheit How does a fire riser work? As a fire sprinkler discharges, water flows out of the pipe, or branch line, it’s connected to. When that happens, water moves through the system riser to refill the branch line. These changes in flow and pressure […]

What is a young female geese called?

What is a young female geese called? A male or female young goose is called a gosling. What is a juvenile goose called? The baby geese, called goslings, take about a month to hatch. Babies are covered with soft feathers called down. They hatch with their eyes open and will leave the nest within 24 […]

What size nut is on a CV axle?

What size nut is on a CV axle? 36mm What is the torque for wheel bearings? Generally, jam nuts less than 2-5/8″ should be torqued to 200-300 lbf-ft; nuts 2-5/8″ and over should be torqued to 250-400 lbf-ft. See chart for exact torque specification. How tight should wheel bearings be? Do Check For the Recommended […]

What happened to Eastern Europe after ww2?

What happened to Eastern Europe after ww2? After World War II ended in 1945, Europe was divided into Western Europe and Eastern Europe by the Iron Curtain. Eastern Europe has been shifting toward democratic governments, open market economies, private ownership, and the EU rather than the old Soviet Union. What country ran the area after […]

Does snake eat hedgehog?

Does snake eat hedgehog? While the spines deter some attackers, certain predators are able to successfully hunt and eat hedgehogs, including birds of prey, several types of carnivorous mammals and snakes. What animal preys on hedgehogs? Hedgehogs and foxes can live together peacefully. Foxes sometimes attack hedgehogs, although usually adult hogs are protected by their […]

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