What kind of branch of clinical psychology is psychology? Clinical psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the assessment and treatment of mental illness, abnormal behavior, and psychiatric disorders. Clinicians often work in private practices, but many also work in community centers or at universities and colleges. What is the clinical domain in psychology? […]
What materials were used in Greek architecture?
What materials were used in Greek architecture? Wood and Clay was used in Greek buildings in the colonization period. Woods were primarily used for structural support and roof beams, and clay bricks were used for walls. Limestone was cultivated from quarries and favored by architects as it is easy to cut. Both the Parthenon and […]
Why is a well developed self concept beneficial?
Why is a well developed self concept beneficial? Why is a well-developed self-concept beneficial? It helps us respond to real-life events. Self-concept is a more specific self-judgment of personal abilities. How does self concept influence self-esteem? Self-esteem is influenced by internal and external factors. Internally, it is largely how we feel about ourselves, compare ourselves […]
What are two ways that a Supreme Court decision be overturned?
What are two ways that a Supreme Court decision be overturned? When the Supreme Court rules on a constitutional issue, that judgment is virtually final; its decisions can be altered only by the rarely used procedure of constitutional amendment or by a new ruling of the Court. How many laws has the Supreme Court overturned? […]
Which theory of emotion states that both physiological arousal and emotion occur simultaneously?
Which theory of emotion states that both physiological arousal and emotion occur simultaneously? Cannon-Bard theory Which theory of emotion proposed that emotions and physiological reactions occur simultaneously? Cannon-Bard:Physiological reactions occur independently of emotions. What are the 3 theories of emotion? The major theories of emotion can be grouped into three main categories: physiological, neurological, and […]
How did religion change in the Renaissance?
How did religion change in the Renaissance? The influences of humanism and classical education during the Renaissance changed religion in Europe by helping bring about the Protestant Reformation. For the first time in Europe, new churches and denominations began to form and operate outside the Roman Catholic Church. How did people’s beliefs change in the […]
How do you calculate the demand elasticity of demand?
How do you calculate the demand elasticity of demand? The price elasticity of demand (which is often shortened to demand elasticity) is defined to be the percentage change in quantity demanded, q, divided by the percentage change in price, p. The formula for the demand elasticity (ǫ) is: ǫ = p q dq dp . […]
How do you explain that prices and quantities move in the same direction in a supply schedule?
How do you explain that prices and quantities move in the same direction in a supply schedule? How do you explain that prices and quantities move in the same direction in a supply schedule? Less will be supplied at lower prices; more will be supplied at higher prices. How is a change in supply shown […]
What is the literal meaning of Dalit?
What is the literal meaning of Dalit? Who are the Dalits? Dalit literally means trampled upon, oppressed. The term was first. used by Mahatma Jatirao Phule (1827-1890), a social reformer in. Maharashtra, to describe the oppressed condition of the ‘untouchables’ How did Gandhi help the Dalits? Please recall the hunger strike Gandhi undertook in 1932 […]
What did the Townshend Acts of 1767 tax?
What did the Townshend Acts of 1767 tax? Townshend Duties The Townshend Acts, named after Charles Townshend, British chancellor of the Exchequer, imposed duties on British china, glass, lead, paint, paper and tea imported to the colonies. What was the primary purpose of the Townshend Act of 1767? The Townshend Acts, passed in 1767 and […]