How did Europe benefit from colonizing Africa? During this time, many European countries expanded their empires by aggressively establishing colonies in Africa so that they could exploit and export Africa’s resources. Raw materials like rubber, timber, diamonds, and gold were found in Africa. Europeans also wanted to protect trade routes. What were the benefits of […]
How subsidies can influence production?
How subsidies can influence production? A production subsidy encourages suppliers to increase the production of a particular product by offsetting part of the production costs or losses. Production subsidies aim to expand production of a particular product so that the market would promote it without raising the final price to consumers. Why does government give […]
What is the main reason Romans could grow a wide variety of crops?
What is the main reason Romans could grow a wide variety of crops? 1. Italy’s deserts helped Roman civilization to develop by allowing people to grow a wide variety of crops. 2. Rome’s bipartite government was made up of magistrates, the Roman Senate, and the assemblies and tribunes. How did Mountains affect life in Italy? […]
Which of the following directly represents how employees can support the program management function of the Army Safety Program?
Which of the following directly represents how employees can support the program management function of the Army Safety Program? Which of the following directly represents how employees can support the Program Management function of the Army Safety Program? Follow standard operating procedures for safety. Do your employee safety and health rights allow you to view […]
Which of the following countries would be expected to have the narrowest population pyramid?
Which of the following countries would be expected to have the narrowest population pyramid? The population pyramid with a wide base reflects the high percentage of young people. Japan, Germany, and Russia are all experiencing zero population growth, which would result in a narrow base on the population pyramid. What is land suited for agriculture […]
Who is at high risk for chromosomal abnormalities?
Who is at high risk for chromosomal abnormalities? Several factors increase the risk of having a baby with a chromosomal abnormality: Woman’s age: The risk of having a baby with Down syndrome increases with a woman’s age—steeply after age 35. Family history: Having a family history (including the couple’s children) of a chromosomal abnormality increases […]
What did twelve of the thirteen colonies send to the Continental Congress?
What did twelve of the thirteen colonies send to the Continental Congress? Twelve of the thirteen colonies sent a total of fifty-six delegates to the First Continental Congress. One accomplishment of the Congress was the Association of 1774, which urged all colonists to avoid using British goods, and to form committees to enforce this ban. […]
What is front in social science?
What is front in social science? Scientific definitions for front front. [ frŭnt ] The boundary between two air masses that have different temperatures or humidity. What is front and center meaning? : in or to the forefront of activity or consideration. What is another word for front? What is another word for front? anterior […]
What trade does UK do with USA?
What trade does UK do with USA? Goods exports totaled $69.1 billion; goods imports totaled $63.2 billion. The U.S. goods trade surplus with United Kingdom was $5.9 billion in 2019. Trade in services with United Kingdom (exports and imports) totaled an estimated $140.7 billion in 2019. How important is the UK to the US? Britain […]
What was the first cat in space?
What was the first cat in space? Félicette How did the first cat in space die? The memorial honors a French feline named Félicette who launched on a brief suborbital spaceflight in 1963. Although the space cat survived the 15-minute mission, she died about two months later when scientists removed electrodes from her brain to […]