Is an experiment in which neither the participants nor the individuals running the experiment know if participants are in the experimental or the control group until after the results are?

Is an experiment in which neither the participants nor the individuals running the experiment know if participants are in the experimental or the control group until after the results are? double-blind study What does it mean to say that the experiment was double blind quizlet? Double-Blind Study. -study in which the neither the experimenter nor […]

Why is human migration important?

Why is human migration important? Migration is often driven by the search for better livelihoods and new opportunities. Indeed, global and regional social and economic inequalities are expressed most powerfully through the figure of the migrant, as one who crosses borders in search of work, education and new horizons. What was the purpose of the […]

What were some of the policies of Emperor Shi Huangdi?

What were some of the policies of Emperor Shi Huangdi? Shi Huangdi standardized writing throughout the empire, built expansive infrastructure, such as highways and canals, standardized currency and measurement, conducted a census, and established a postal system. Legalism was the official philosophy, and other philosophies, such as Confucianism, were suppressed. What were Qin Shi Huang […]

What is practical application of psychology?

What is practical application of psychology? Essentially, it is referring to the use of psychology to yield a practical result. For example, if somebody is experiencing awkward mental state such as that which is caused by ADHD, or if they are bipolar, many different psychological strategies can be applied at the same time to create […]

What are examples of discretionary spending?

What are examples of discretionary spending? Non-defense discretionary spending includes a wide array of programs such as education, training, science, technology, housing, transportation, and foreign aid. What is defense discretionary spending? Trends in Discretionary Spending Most of the decline over that period involved spending for national defense. Nondefense discretionary spending funds an array of federal […]

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