What states where official Dakota communities? The Dakota, or Santee Sioux, live mostly in Minnesota and Nebraska, while the smallest of the three, the Nakota, primarily reside in South Dakota, North Dakota, and Montana. How many Dakota communities are there? Today. There are 4 Federally-recognized Dakota communities in Minnesota: Prairie Island, Lower Sioux, Upper Sioux, […]
Why did the South win the second battle of Bull Run?
Why did the South win the second battle of Bull Run? Confederate Army Under Robert E. Lee Wins Second Battle of Bull Run (Manassas) After Confederate artillery turned back a Union attack on Jackson’s positions, Longstreet ordered his corps forward in an aggressive counterattack on the Union left, which had been weakened after Pope shifted […]
What will high birth rates and low death rates lead to?
What will high birth rates and low death rates lead to? Lower (or higher) mortality might induce lower (or higher) fertility, but it is well established that higher birth rates lead to higher infant and child mortality. This higher mortality is related to the effect on infants and children of earlier weaning and reduced care […]
How does global warming affect Islands?
How does global warming affect Islands? Rising sea surface temperatures and ocean acidification threaten corals; corals that generate the sediment these islands require to remain stable. Finally, changing climate circulation patterns affects the strength, duration, and paths of storms and precipitation events in the Pacific Ocean. What is a potential consequence of global warming? The […]
What are the reasons for studying economics class 11?
What are the reasons for studying economics class 11? The following are the reasons that make the study of economics inevitable. To study the Theory of Consumption. To study the Theory of Production. To study the Theory of Distribution. To study the basic macroeconomic problems faced by an economy. What are some reasons for studying […]
How does Durkheim understand the difference between religion and magic?
How does Durkheim understand the difference between religion and magic? Moreover, according to Émile Durkheim (1858–1917), religion is communal because its adherents, bound together by shared belief, form a church. Magic, on the other hand, involves no permanent ties between believers and only temporary ties between individuals and the magicians who perform services for them. […]
Is an experiment in which neither the participants nor the individuals running the experiment know if participants are in the experimental or the control group until after the results are?
Is an experiment in which neither the participants nor the individuals running the experiment know if participants are in the experimental or the control group until after the results are? double-blind study What does it mean to say that the experiment was double blind quizlet? Double-Blind Study. -study in which the neither the experimenter nor […]
Why is human migration important?
Why is human migration important? Migration is often driven by the search for better livelihoods and new opportunities. Indeed, global and regional social and economic inequalities are expressed most powerfully through the figure of the migrant, as one who crosses borders in search of work, education and new horizons. What was the purpose of the […]
What is returned by a grand jury as a true bill charging an individual with a specific crime on the basis of a determination of probable cause?
What were some of the policies of Emperor Shi Huangdi?
What were some of the policies of Emperor Shi Huangdi? Shi Huangdi standardized writing throughout the empire, built expansive infrastructure, such as highways and canals, standardized currency and measurement, conducted a census, and established a postal system. Legalism was the official philosophy, and other philosophies, such as Confucianism, were suppressed. What were Qin Shi Huang […]