Who discovered gravity Newton or Galileo?

Who discovered gravity Newton or Galileo? In 1589, Galileo conducted experiments with gravity, such as dropping balls from the Leaning Tower of Pisa; he discovered that they hit the ground at the same time despite having different weights. Newton’s work, 100 years later, put together a picture of gravity good enough to last another two […]

Why might it be difficult for an employee to be given an international assignment?

Why might it be difficult for an employee to be given an international assignment? Top Reasons for International Assignment Failure This can include changes in the local market, organizational adjustments or other business elements that were unexpected, and don’t reflect on the employee’s performance or adaptation to the foreign location. What are the challenges associated […]

Do psychologists avoid studying emotions because they have little impact on behavior?

Do psychologists avoid studying emotions because they have little impact on behavior? Psychologists avoid studying emotions because they have little impact on behavior. Cognitive psychologists believe that cognitive processes must be studied in order to understand human behavior fully. The stream of consciousness refers to the basic elements in a person’s conscious mind. Do Counseling […]

How social media affects teenage relationships?

How social media affects teenage relationships? Many teens in relationships view social media as a place where they can feel more connected with the daily contours of their significant other’s life, share emotional connections and let their significant other know they care – although these sites can also lead to feelings of jealousy or uncertainty […]

Why was the 2010 Haiti earthquake so destructive?

Why was the 2010 Haiti earthquake so destructive? Why was the 2010 Haiti earthquake so destructive? The earthquake registered a magnitude 7.0; that’s a high level of energy at the point of impact. Because it occurred at 6.2 miles below the surface, a shallow depth, its powerful energy had a devastating effect at ground level. […]

What are the long term side effects of citalopram?

What are the long term side effects of citalopram? Fast heartbeat. Delirium. Hallucinations. Severe dizziness. Nausea or vomiting. Diarrhea. Loss of physical coordination. Agitation. Is citalopram a strong antidepressant? Citalopram outperforms all other antidepressants except escitalopram for acute phase depression, according to new review. Citalopram (brand names: Cipramil and Celexa) is an antidepressant drug in […]

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