What did the Inca build to keep their empire connected? The Inca road system formed a network known as the royal highway or qhapaq ñan, which became an invaluable part of the Inca empire. Roads facilitated the movement of armies, people, and goods across plains, deserts and mountains. How did the Incas communicate across the […]
What is a bar graph what is a Pareto chart statistics?
When partners in conflict trade escalate provocations back and forth this is a N?
When partners in conflict trade escalate provocations back and forth this is a N? When partners in conflict trade escalating provocations back and forth, this is a pattern of negative responsibility attribution. When both partners in a conflict achieve their original? When both partners in a conflict achieve their original aspirations and goals although they […]
What is counterfeit emotional language?
What is counterfeit emotional language? More so, counterfeit emotional language is language that expresses emotions but not feelings. For example, a person saying, “please stop it.” This type of language indicates that the speaker is feeling something but language is not expressing the emotion. What is defined as our experience and interpretation of internal sensations […]
What was the Industrial Revolution short summary?
What was the Industrial Revolution short summary? Summary. The Industrial Revolution was a time when the manufacturing of goods moved from small shops and homes to large factories. This shift brought about changes in culture as people moved from rural areas to big cities in order to work. What was the Industrial Revolution quizlet? The […]
How do primaries and caucuses work?
How do primaries and caucuses work? In caucuses, party members meet, discuss, and vote for who they think would be the best party candidate. In primaries, party members vote in a state election for the candidate they want to represent them in the general election. What is a caucus used for? In the United States […]
What is a theory of discrimination?
What is a theory of discrimination? In Chapter 3, we developed a two-part definition of racial discrimination: differential treatment on the basis of race that disadvantages a racial group and treatment on the basis of inadequately justified factors other than race that disadvantages a racial group (differential effect). What are the three theories of discrimination […]
What did West Africa trade?
What did West Africa trade? What did they trade? The main items traded were gold and salt. The gold mines of West Africa provided great wealth to West African Empires such as Ghana and Mali. Other items that were commonly traded included ivory, kola nuts, cloth, slaves, metal goods, and beads. What is the main […]
Why does the Constitution reflect the principle Republicanism?
Why does the Constitution reflect the principle Republicanism? The Framers of the Constitution wanted the people to have a voice in government. Yet the Framers also feared that public opinion might stand in the way of sound decision making. To solve this problem, they looked to republicanism as a model of government. Why did the […]
What did the Platt Amendment do to Cuba?
What did the Platt Amendment do to Cuba? The Platt Amendment outlined the role of the United States in Cuba and the Caribbean, limiting Cuba’s right to make treaties with other nations and restricting Cuba in the conduct of foreign policy and commercial relations. Why might the Platt Amendment be considered ironic what reasons would […]