What happens to the asthenosphere is lithospheric plates move at the three types of plate boundaries?

What happens to the asthenosphere is lithospheric plates move at the three types of plate boundaries? Heat within the asthenosphere creates convection currents that cause tectonic plates to move several centimeters per year relative to each other. If two tectonic plates collide, they form a convergent plate boundary. Usually, one of the converging plates will […]

What is generalization and discrimination in classical conditioning?

What is generalization and discrimination in classical conditioning? Stimulus generalization occurs when a stimulus that is similar to an already-conditioned stimulus begins to produce the same response as the original stimulus does. Stimulus discrimination occurs when the organism learns to differentiate between the CS and other similar stimuli. How does discrimination work in classical conditioning? […]

What was the first capital city of ancient Egypt?

What was the first capital city of ancient Egypt? Memphis What were the two capitals of ancient Egypt? Two very important capitals in Ancient Egypt were Thebes and Memphis. What cities did ancient Egypt have? Ancient Egyptian Cities Memphis City. Thebes City. Amarna City. Avaris City. Pi-Ramsess City. Thonis City. Alexandria City. Abydos City. How […]

What progress did veterans make after ww2?

What progress did veterans make after ww2? Veterans were able to become more stable when the government passed laws in their favor. Now they could afford the things they couldn’t before. Many years after the war, people started to accept and allow the fact that women deserved the same amount of fair treatment as the […]

Who is protected under the Good Samaritan law you can not be held liable for trying to help someone at a traffic collision if you helped in good faith?

Who is protected under the Good Samaritan law you can not be held liable for trying to help someone at a traffic collision if you helped in good faith? Answer: True. Explanation: Good Samaritan law states that any individual who provides emergency medical aid to an ill, injured or unconscious person at the scene of […]

Why was the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut important?

Why was the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut important? Adopted in January 1639, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut stated the powers and limits of government. In addition, the Fundamental Orders required each town to elect four “deputies” to create a legislative branch. The last of the decrees gave the emerging colony the power to tax. What […]

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