Which country has every type of climate? China is a similarly large chunk of land which extends over all four climate zones within which are several sub-climates. These are tropical, warm-temperate, temperate, sub-tropical, cold-temperate, and the Qinghai-Tibet Temperate region. Which country has the most climates? the United States Does the US have every climate? Being […]
What are the main ideas of mercantilism?
What are the main ideas of mercantilism? The underlying principles of mercantilism included (1) the belief that the amount of wealth in the world was relatively static; (2) the belief that a country’s wealth could best be judged by the amount of precious metals or bullion it possessed; (3) the need to encourage exports over […]
What do the wolves symbolize in law of the jungle?
How Is the justice system fair for youth?
How Is the justice system fair for youth? The Youth Justice system is fair and equitable; it uses a rehabilitative method that helps reintegrate youth back into society as normal functioning citizens. This way can steer them clear from the life of crime and promote the long term protection of the society. How effective is […]
How do memories affect our sense of self?
How do memories affect our sense of self? Memory plays an important part of identity formation and creating a positive sense of self. As a child develops and has experiences, there is a part of the brain that creates a story from these experiences and over time there is a sense of self that develops. […]
What do you mean by game theory explain various assumptions of game theory?
What do you mean by game theory explain various assumptions of game theory? Game theory is the process of modeling the strategic interaction between two or more players in a situation containing set rules and outcomes. While used in a number of disciplines, game theory is most notably used as a tool within the study […]
When a tax is placed on the sellers of cell phones the size of the cell phone market?
What are the two most powerful political parties in the United States?
What are the two most powerful political parties in the United States? Today, America is a multi-party system. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the most powerful. Which political party is the largest third party? The Libertarian Party was founded on December 11, 1972. It is the largest continuing third party in the […]
Which theory of attitudes states that people are motivated to take action to resolve inconsistencies between attitudes and behaviors?
Which theory of attitudes states that people are motivated to take action to resolve inconsistencies between attitudes and behaviors? Chapter 8 Consumer Behavior A B experiential According to THIS hierarchy, the consumer considers purchases based on an attitude of hedonic consumption cognitive dissonance theory of attitudes states that people are motivated to take action to […]
What is moratorium in psychology?
What is moratorium in psychology? Identity moratorium is a period of identity development that occurs after the adolescent stage of identity diffusion and is generally considered the longest period of that development. It is a period of active searching and exploring alternatives to current situations. What parts of your identity are determined by others? Social […]