Why did God create different personalities?

Why did God create different personalities? God wanted variety, says Nicole, 9, “because it is much more fun this way, and God knows that.” God wanted “to show His ability to be creative” by “making every color,” say Andy, 12, and Perry, 10. Color? For Jeremy, 11, God is the great conductor who “made us […]

What does a high natural increase rate mean?

What does a high natural increase rate mean? Definition: The rate of natural increase refers to the difference between the number of live births and the number of deaths occurring in a year, divided by the mid-year population of that year, multiplied by a factor (usually 1,000). It is equal to the difference between the […]

Who died in 2011 London riots?

Who died in 2011 London riots? Thursday 4 August 2011 Mark Duggan, 29, is shot dead by police in Ferry Lane, Tottenham, at 18:15 BST. Mr Duggan is a passenger in a minicab. The violence begins as bottles are thrown at two patrol cars which are then set alight. Police announce the launch of Operation […]

How did the Crusades lead to an increase in trade?

How did the Crusades lead to an increase in trade? Trade increase, whilst Europeans also brought back knowledge about plants, irrigation and the breeding of animals. Western Europeans brought back many goods, such as lemons, apricots, sugar, silk and cotton and spices used in cooking. Not all the Crusaders went home after fighting the Muslims. […]

Do all poems have rhythm?

Do all poems have rhythm? Every poem that is not free verse has a type of rhythm. We also call that rhythm ‘meter. ‘ Rhythm is an important part of the structure of a poem. Should all poems rhyme? Very simply, poetry does not have to rhyme. While there are many more concrete styles of […]

What was life like in the early colonies?

What was life like in the early colonies? Most of the people living in Colonial America lived and worked on a farm. Although there would eventually be large plantations where the owners became wealthy growing cash crops, life for the average farmer was very hard work. They had to work hard all year long just […]

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