What countries are state sponsors of terrorism?

What countries are state sponsors of terrorism? Currently there are four countries designated under these authorities: Cuba, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea), Iran, and Syria. For more details about State Sponsors of Terrorism, see “Overview of State Sponsored Terrorism” in Country Reports on Terrorism. What causes state sponsored terrorism? The factors which […]

What is the most important cash crop?

What is the most important cash crop? From an absolute value perspective, the world’s most valuable cash crop is cannabis as well. It is followed by rice, maize, and then wheat. Was corn a cash crop? Cash crops are grown for direct sale in the market, rather than for family consumption or to feed livestock. […]

Are there environmental factors that contribute to Fragile X?

Are there environmental factors that contribute to Fragile X? For boys with fragile X, results showed that 2 environmental factors, the effectiveness of educational and therapeutic services and maternal psychological problems, independently predicted behavior problems. What is the most common cause of fragile X syndrome? Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a genetic disorder. FXS is […]

Why is it called the Golden Age of Athens?

Why is it called the Golden Age of Athens? The Golden Age of Athens took place during the rule of a man named Pericles. Through his leadership, Athens experienced a period of artistic and scientific growth, so the golden age is often referred to as the “Age of Pericles.” Why did the Golden Age of […]

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