How do you record relative humidity? Relative humidity (RH) is computed from the ambient temperature, shown by the dry-bulb thermometer and the difference in temperatures as shown by the wet-bulb and dry-bulb thermometers. Relative humidity can also be determined by locating the intersection of the wet and dry-bulb temperatures on a psychrometric chart. How is […]
Do bases feel slippery?
Do bases feel slippery? Base Property #5: Bases feel slippery, sometimes people say soapy. This is because they dissolve the fatty acids and oils from your skin and this cuts down on the friction between your fingers as you rub them together. In essence, the base is making soap out of you. Yes, bases are […]
What was the purpose of the HUAC and what caused its creation?
What was the purpose of the HUAC and what caused its creation? The HUAC was created in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities on the part of private citizens, public employees, and those organizations suspected of having fascist or communist ties. What is Martin Dies best known as? Texas congressman famed for warning […]
Which program was enacted during the second New Deal quizlet?
Which program was enacted during the second New Deal quizlet? The Second New Deal addressed the problems of the elderly, the poor, and the unemployed; created new public-works projects; helped farmers; and enacted measures to protect workers’ rights. What is the main point of the story of federal investigator Lorena Hickok as related in the […]
Which of the following was the highest spending priority for the federal government in 2010?
Which of the following was the highest spending priority for the federal government in 2010? A high priority in 2010 was to pay and hire a majority of Americans that are employed by the federal government. What was the budget deficit in 2012 quizlet? The Congressional Budget Office said the budget deficit was about $1.1 […]
Why is it called the Golden Age of Athens?
Why is it called the Golden Age of Athens? The Golden Age of Athens took place during the rule of a man named Pericles. Through his leadership, Athens experienced a period of artistic and scientific growth, so the golden age is often referred to as the “Age of Pericles.” Why did the Golden Age of […]
What branch of government approves treaties?
What branch of government approves treaties? The Constitution gives to the Senate the sole power to approve, by a two-thirds vote, treaties negotiated by the executive branch. What is the role of the 3 branches of government? Legislative—Makes laws (Congress, comprised of the House of Representatives and Senate) Executive—Carries out laws (president, vice president, Cabinet, […]
Why is the Necessary and Proper Clause a source of ongoing debate be?
Why is the Necessary and Proper Clause a source of ongoing debate be? Why is the Necessary and Proper Clause a source of ongoing debate? Congress cannot agree on what the clause entails. The clause deals with powers that are ambiguous and misinterpreted. The clause establishes reserved rights, which vary from state to state. What […]
Why did George Calvert start the colony of Maryland?
Why did George Calvert start the colony of Maryland? George Calvert, 1st Baron Baltimore, also called (1617–25) Sir George Calvert, (born 1578/79, Kipling, Yorkshire, Eng. —died April 15, 1632), English statesman who projected the founding of the North American province of Maryland, in an effort to find a sanctuary for practicing Roman Catholics. What was […]
What is a natural Aqueduct?
What is a natural Aqueduct? An aqueduct is a watercourse constructed to carry water from a source to a distribution point far away. The simplest aqueducts are small ditches cut into the earth. Much larger channels may be used in modern aqueducts. Aqueducts sometimes run for some or all of their path through tunnels constructed […]