Which is an example of capital that is used as a factor of production? The third factor of production is capital. Think of capital as the machinery, tools and buildings humans use to produce goods and services. Some common examples of capital include hammers, forklifts, conveyer belts, computers, and delivery vans. Capital differs based on […]
What theory holds that children will model their behavior according to the reactions they receive from others?
What theory holds that children will model their behavior according to the reactions they receive from others? Social learning theory, proposed by Albert Bandura, emphasizes the importance of observing, modelling, and imitating the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others. Social learning theory considers how both environmental and cognitive factors interact to influence human learning […]
What do psychologists base their conclusions on?
What do psychologists base their conclusions on? The statements made by psychologists are empirical, which means they are based on systematic collection and analysis of data. When the data from a study do not support the theory behind the study’s hypothesis What does that mean for the theory? When the data from a study do […]
Which of the following management functions entails the process of arranging people and resources to work toward a common goal?
Which of the following management functions entails the process of arranging people and resources to work toward a common goal? Controlling arranges people and resources to work toward a goal. The four types of divisional structures are product, geographical, customer, and functional. Which element of the organizational structure signifies formal authority relationships? The chain of […]
What religion was Joseph Smith?
What religion was Joseph Smith? Mormons are a religious group that embrace concepts of Christianity as well as revelations made by their founder, Joseph Smith. They primarily belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or LDS, which is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, and has more than 16 million members worldwide. […]
What was the Watergate building used for?
What was the Watergate building used for? The complex was the first mixed-use development in the District of Columbia, and was intended to help define the area as a business and residential rather than industrial district. The Watergate complex was intended to be a “city within a city,” and provide so many amenities that residents […]
How does mass media encourage deviant behavior?
How does mass media encourage deviant behavior? The mass media have altered public perceptions about deviance, social problems, and especially crime, by stressing the most dramatic, vivid, and memorable instances as typical or characteristic of the category as a whole for instance, by depicting the most violent incidents as typical of criminal behavior in general. […]
How did the Byzantine Empire began?
How did the Byzantine Empire began? The beginnings of the Byzantine Empire lie in the decision of Roman emperor Constantine I to relocate the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to Byzantium on 11 May 330. The popular name Constantinople or ‘City of Constantine’ soon replaced the emperor’s own official choice of ‘New Rome’. […]
How did Alexis de Tocqueville describe the 1830s in America?
How did Alexis de Tocqueville describe the 1830s in America? How did Alexis de Tocqueville describe the 1830s in America? The president believed Americans had too much liberty and too little security. What impressed de Tocqueville about America? Tocqueville was impressed by much of what he saw in American life, admiring the stability of its […]
What leads to an increase in bargaining power for workers?
What leads to an increase in bargaining power for workers? Factors which increase Bargaining power for workers Unique skills and qualifications. A worker with more unique skills will have a greater impact on wage determination. A well organised union can bargain for higher wages. This is especially true when they have some leverage, such as […]