Why does the executive branch have the power to create administrative law through administrative agencies?

Why does the executive branch have the power to create administrative law through administrative agencies? Federal administrative law derives from the President, agencies of the Executive Branch, and independent regulatory agencies. Agencies are given the authority to create administrative law through laws enacted by Congress. In creating these “laws,” the agency acts as quasi-judicial, quasi-legislative […]

What is the true meaning of loyalty?

What is the true meaning of loyalty? When you ‘google’ the word loyal, the definition is ‘giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution’. Loyalty is genuinely having their best interests at heart and ensuring that relationship is reciprocal. What is the best definition of loyalty? the state or […]

What are the 3 types of judges?

What are the 3 types of judges? There are many different types of judges. There are circuit court judges, general sessions judges, and juvenile judges, to name a few. Which one is a second level of the court? The second level is the federal courts of appeals. What is the lowest trial court? A lower […]

What are the types of nationalism?

What are the types of nationalism? Ethnic nationalism Expansionist nationalism. Romantic nationalism. Language nationalism. Religious nationalism. Post-colonial nationalism. Liberal nationalism. Revolutionary nationalism. National conservatism. What is the concept of nationalism according to Emilio Jacinto? The concept of nationalism according to Emilio Jacinto is the sovereignty of the good over the evil and the equality of […]

What is a personality disorder?

What is a personality disorder? Personality disorders are long-term patterns of behavior and inner experiences that differs significantly from what is expected. The pattern of experience and behavior begins by late adolescence or early adulthood and causes distress or problems in functioning. What class of disorders generally involve a relatively pervasive and inflexible pattern of […]

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