What is the concept of affirmative action? “Affirmative action” means positive steps taken to increase the representation of women and minorities in areas of employment, education, and culture from which they have been historically excluded. What do affirmative action programs involve? An affirmative action program includes those policies, practices, and procedures that the contractor implements […]
Why was Columbus looking for a new route to Asia?
Which is an example of how trade barriers can affect you as an American consumer?
Which is an example of how trade barriers can affect you as an American consumer? They might exploit local workers. Which is an example of how trade barriers can affect you as an American consumer? A trade barrier increases the price of foreign goods Americans buy. Domestic products may not be able to compete with […]
What is rational emotive behavior therapy used for?
What is rational emotive behavior therapy used for? Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a short-term form of psychotherapy that helps you identify self-defeating thoughts and feelings, challenge the rationality of those feelings, and replace them with healthier, more productive beliefs. How does Rational Emotive Therapy work? Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) is a type […]
How did John Locke make a difference?
How did John Locke make a difference? John Locke changed and influenced the world in many ways. His political ideas like those in the Two Treatises of Government, (such as civil, natural, and property rights and the job of the government to protect these rights), were put into the United States Declaration of Independence and […]
When was the first cattle drive from Texas?
When was the first cattle drive from Texas? 1866 Who led the first cattle drive out of Texas? On June 6, 1866, Charles Goodnight and Oliver Loving set off on their first journey to Denver from north Texas, taking 2,000 head of cattle with them. They went via an old Butterfield Stagecoach route to the […]
How was the president in 1974?
How was the president in 1974? Richard Nixon was elected the 37th President of the United States (1969-1974) after previously serving as a U.S. Representative and a U.S. Senator from California. Who became VP When Ford became president? Cabinet The Ford Cabinet Office Name Vice President Nelson Rockefeller 1974–1977 Secretary of State Henry Kissinger Who […]
What have been some major identified shortcomings of the UCR?
What have been some major identified shortcomings of the UCR? Examples of UCR problems are as follows: it represents reported crimes, while many crimes are not reported to police; when crimes are reported to police, the crimes may not be recorded; only local and state crimes are reported, not federal crimes or crimes at institutions […]
What is most popular Thanksgiving side dish?
What is most popular Thanksgiving side dish? 85 Classic Thanksgiving Side Dishes To Make For The Holiday of 85. Green Bean Casserole. of 85. Candied Yams. of 85. Sweet Potato Casserole With Marshmallows. of 85. Perfect Mashed Potatoes. of 85. Classic Stuffing. of 85. Cornbread. of 85. Fresh Cranberry Relish. of 85. Cheesy Brussels Sprout […]
Why was John White affected by the disappearance of the settlers of Roanoke?
Why was John White affected by the disappearance of the settlers of Roanoke? Why was John White unable to conduct a thorough search for the colonists of Roanoke on Croatoan Island? There was a huge, fierce storm forming out at sea. Why was John White especially affected by the disappearance of the settlers of Roanoke? […]