What is good will according to Kant?

What is good will according to Kant? Kant means that a good will is “good without qualification” as such an absolute good in-itself, universally good in every instance and never merely as good to some yet further end. Kant’s point is that to be universally and absolutely good, something must be good in every instance […]

When can you play peekaboo with a baby?

When can you play peekaboo with a baby? When to expect it: Object permanence develops in babies as early as 4 to 5 months of age, but babies of all ages love playing peekaboo, from newborns to toddlers. How do I teach my baby to peek a boo? Instructions When one-on-one with an infant or […]

Which term is most closely associated with Hellenism?

Which term is most closely associated with Hellenism? The term most closely associated with Hellenism under Alexander the Great is 1. cultural diffusion. Under Alexander, Greek and Macedonian control expanded to encompass regions as far east as bordering India and down into Africa by bringing in the Egyptian homeland. What can the creation of independent […]

What is the antonyms for clever?

What is the antonyms for clever? antonyms of clever awkward. foolish. idiotic. ignorant. naive. senseless. stupid. unclever. What is the synonym and antonym of clever? clever. Synonyms: able, ready, talented, quick, ingenious, dexterous, adroit, expert, gifted, quick-witted, skillful, well-contrived. Antonyms: weak, dull, stupid, slow, illcontrived, doltish, uninventive, awkward, clumsy, bungling, botched. What is the synonyms […]

What is Alfred Adler best known for?

What is Alfred Adler best known for? Individual psychologySuperiority complexInferiority complexStyle of life What was Alfred Adler’s theory? Adler’s theory suggested that every person has a sense of inferiority. From childhood, people work toward overcoming this inferiority by “striving for superiority.” Adler believed that this drive was the motivating force behind human behaviors, emotions, and […]

Who propounded the theory of human motivation?

Who propounded the theory of human motivation? Abraham Maslow What is motivation explain the theories of motivation? The term motivation is derived from the Latin word movere, meaning “to move.” Motivation can be broadly defined as the forces acting on or within a person that cause the arousal, direction, and persistence of goal-directed, voluntary effort. […]

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