What groups supported the 19th Amendment?

What groups supported the 19th Amendment? Two organizations were formed in 1869: the National Woman Suffrage Association, which sought to achieve a federal constitutional amendment that would secure the ballot for women; and the American Woman Suffrage Association, which focused on obtaining amendments to that effect in the constitutions of the various states. Who voted […]

What does Oedipal mean?

What does Oedipal mean? The Oedipal complex, also known as the Oedipus complex, is a term used by Sigmund Freud in his theory of psychosexual stages of development to describe a child’s feelings of desire for his or her opposite-sex parent and jealousy and anger toward his or her same-sex parent. What is Oedipus complex […]

Which of the following can be considered psychological abuse?

Which of the following can be considered psychological abuse? Psychological abuse includes other verbal threats, intimidation, isolation, victim blaming, humiliation, control of daily activities and money, stalking (repeated unwanted contacts), and manipulation of children in order to demean or instill fear in an adult partner. Which of the following is an example of educational neglect? […]

How did Reagan go about trying to undermine the USSR?

How did Reagan go about trying to undermine the USSR? The Reagan Administration implemented a new policy towards the Soviet Union through NSDD-32 (National Security Decisions Directive) to confront the USSR on three fronts: to decrease Soviet access to high technology and diminish their resources, including depressing the value of Soviet commodities on the world […]

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