What does conducting sociological research generalizability mean? empirical generalizability means research results can be applied to a larger population, whereas theoretical generalizability means research results can be applied to larger processes. How do you conduct a sociological research? These are (1) selecting a topic, (2) defining the problem, (3) reviewing the literature, (4) formulating a […]
What were the social causes of imperialism?
What were the social causes of imperialism? The motivations for the Age of Imperialism were constituted by an exploration for new economic opportunities, a hunger for political power, and the idea of social superiority of European… What were two causes of imperialism? Three factors fueled American Imperialism. Economic competition among industrial nations. Political and military […]
What can affect eyewitness testimony?
What can affect eyewitness testimony? Four factors that affect eyewitness reliability in Virginia Memory mechanics. Though we would like to believe that our memories are generally reliable and that we can accurately recall the details of what we observe, the truth is that our memories are often affected by the way we make sense of […]
How does global civil society works How is the practice of civil society different at a global level?
How does global civil society works How is the practice of civil society different at a global level? Global civil society is the vast combination of groups operating across borders and beyond the reach of governments. The global civil society does not bear political marks. So it mainly refers to the politically independent and self-organized […]
What is the National Statuary Hall and why is it important?
What is the National Statuary Hall and why is it important? The National Statuary Hall is a chamber in the United States Capitol devoted to sculptures of prominent Americans. The hall, also known as the Old Hall of the House, is a large, two-story, semicircular room with a second story gallery along the curved perimeter. […]
What is considered cheating in a relationship?
What is considered cheating in a relationship? In short, cheating is being emotionally or sexually unfaithful to your partner with who you are in a monogamous relationship with. Being intimate sexually or emotionally with another person is usually considered cheating. Is it OK for my wife to text another man? It’s perfectly fine (and healthy) […]
Which philosopher suggested that the mind and body are separate?
Which philosopher suggested that the mind and body are separate? René Descartes What is Descartes theory? Descartes argued the theory of innate knowledge and that all humans were born with knowledge through the higher power of God. It was this theory of innate knowledge that later led philosopher John Locke (1632–1704) to combat the theory […]
What is the message of the story Madame Butterfly?
What is the message of the story Madame Butterfly? Puccini’s own history and difficulties with women shed light on his fascination with the theme of tragic love. Madame Butterfly is the story of desire in the form of immature love and passion that ends in birth, death, and re- morse. What is the theme of […]
How did the Constitution fix no national court system?
How did the Constitution fix no national court system? The Constitution fixed the weaknesses by allowing the central government certain powers/rights. Executive branch with power of checks and balance for legislature and judiciary. Amendments are easier by being ratified if 2/3 of congress and 3/4 of house pass it. What was the result of administrative […]
Why are items in the middle of a serial list recalled least?
Why are items in the middle of a serial list recalled least? He found that the probability of recalling any word depended on its position in the list (its serial position). Words presented either early in the list or at the end were more often recalled, but the ones in the middle were more often […]