How long was the ancient Egyptian calendar?

How long was the ancient Egyptian calendar? 365 days Did the ancient Egyptians create the calendar? A solar calendar developed by the ancient Egyptians to divide the year into 13 months. It depends on the sun cycle. The Egyptian calendar is one of the first calendars known to mankind. The ancient Egyptians then discovered the […]

What are the 4 types of voting?

What are the 4 types of voting? There are many variations in electoral systems, but the most common systems are first-past-the-post voting, Block Voting, the two-round (runoff) system, proportional representation and ranked voting. How does a primary election work? In primaries, party members vote in a state election for the candidate they want to represent […]

Why is no one allowed in Antarctica?

Why is no one allowed in Antarctica? Antarctica is not a country: it has no government and no indigenous population. Instead, the entire continent is set aside as a scientific preserve. The Antarctic Treaty, which came into force in 1961, enshrines an ideal of intellectual exchange. Military activity is banned, as is prospecting for minerals. […]

Does crime increase during recessions?

Does crime increase during recessions? Robbery and property crime rates generally rise during recessions and fall during recoveries (Bushway, Cook, & Phillips, 2013). Crime rates fell in the United States and in most other developed nations hit by the financial collapse and recession. Why did crime increase in the 20th century? The crime rate increased […]

What does knowledge of results focus on?

What does knowledge of results focus on? The player can see where the ball goes and what the score is. Knowledge of results focuses on the end of the performance, for example, the performer’s score, time or position. What is the principle that practice should match the performance environment? What is electromyography? A system for […]

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