How long was the ancient Egyptian calendar? 365 days Did the ancient Egyptians create the calendar? A solar calendar developed by the ancient Egyptians to divide the year into 13 months. It depends on the sun cycle. The Egyptian calendar is one of the first calendars known to mankind. The ancient Egyptians then discovered the […]
How is the Rorschach test traditionally used?
How is the Rorschach test traditionally used? The Rorschach technique, sometimes known as the Rorschach test or the inkblot test, is a projective personality assessment based on the test taker’s reactions to a series of 10 inkblot pictures. The Rorschach is used to help assess personality structure and identify emotional problems and mental disorders. When […]
What is the concept of presentation?
What is the concept of presentation? A presentation conveys information from a speaker to an audience. Presentations are typically demonstrations, introduction, lecture, or speech meant to inform, persuade,inspire, motivate, build goodwill, or present a new idea/product. Presentations in certain formats are also known as keynote address. What is the main part of your presentation? The […]
What are heuristics how heuristics are used in problem solving?
What are heuristics how heuristics are used in problem solving? Heuristics are methods for solving problems in a quick way that delivers a result that is sufficient enough to be useful given time constraints. Heuristics can lead to poor decision making based on a limited data set, but the speed of decisions can sometimes make […]
What is the difference between Gothic and Romanesque architecture?
What is the difference between Gothic and Romanesque architecture? Gothic architecture was mainly intended to make the churches look like heaven. The Gothic architecture made the churches bright, colorful, and soaring. The Romanesque architecture had the characteristics of large, internal spaces, barrel vaults, thick walls, and rounded arches on windows and doors. What is the […]
Does crime increase during recessions?
Does crime increase during recessions? Robbery and property crime rates generally rise during recessions and fall during recoveries (Bushway, Cook, & Phillips, 2013). Crime rates fell in the United States and in most other developed nations hit by the financial collapse and recession. Why did crime increase in the 20th century? The crime rate increased […]
What is the most effective masking noise in speech audiometry?
What is the most effective masking noise in speech audiometry? – Narrowband noise is typically the chosen stimulus for masking. It limits the confuse of the test signal and the masking noise. – Speech spectrum noise is typically used as a masker during speech audiometry. What is masking in pure tone audiometry? Masking in audiology […]
What is the relationship between silverfish and army ants?
What is the relationship between silverfish and army ants? Silverfish/Army Ants Silverfish live and hunt with army ants. They share the prey. They neither help nor harm the army ants = (commensalism). What type of symbiotic relationship is a wrasse fish and black sea bass? mutualism What is the symbiotic relationship between cowbird and Buffalo? […]
Who has the power to pardon persons that have been convicted of crimes?
Who has the power to pardon persons that have been convicted of crimes? The President What are the 4 powers of clemency? The U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted the provision to include the power to grant pardons, conditional pardons, commutations of sentence, conditional commutations of sentence, remissions of fines and forfeitures, respites and amnesties. Can […]
What are three achievements of the Ming Dynasty?
What are three achievements of the Ming Dynasty? 10 Major Achievements of the Ming Dynasty of China #1 Majority of the existing Great Wall of China was built in the Ming era. #2 Seven epic voyages were led by the great Chinese admiral Zheng He. #3 Ming period saw great development in printing. #4 The […]