Where does the Amazon River begin and end? The Amazon River is located in the northern portion of South America, flowing from west to east. The river system originates in the Andes Mountains of Peru and travels through Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Brazil before emptying into the Atlantic Ocean. What city does the Amazon […]
Why is Finnish different from other Scandinavian languages?
Why is Finnish different from other Scandinavian languages? Finnish is a language that is very different from them, due to its origin in the Eastern European countries. Even though Swedish is similar too, there are some Swedish words that a Danish and Norwegian person cannot possibly understand unless they know them beforehand. Is Finnish a […]
What did Warren G Harding promise?
What did Warren G Harding promise? “Return to normalcy” was United States presidential candidate Warren G. Harding’s campaign slogan for the election of 1920. Who won the election of 1920 by a landslide with a promise of return to normalcy? Harding’s campaign promised a return to “normalcy,” rejecting the activism of Theodore Roosevelt and the […]
In which theoretical perspective is it discussed that religion blinds people to their oppression making them less likely to fight against inequality?
In which theoretical perspective is it discussed that religion blinds people to their oppression making them less likely to fight against inequality? Monotheistic Which type of theorist would note that religion helps maintain systems of social stratification? German philosopher, journalist, and revolutionary socialist Karl Marx (1818–1883) also studied the social impact of religion. He believed […]
How does EITC help the poor?
How does EITC help the poor? The EITC reduces poverty by supplementing the earnings of low-wage workers and by rewarding work. There has been broad bipartisan agreement that a two-parent family with two children with a full-time, minimum-wage worker should not have to raise its children in poverty. How does the EITC tax credit work? […]
What were the major trade routes that were used between Europe Africa and Asia during this time?
What were the major trade routes that were used between Europe Africa and Asia during this time? The Silk Road was a vast trade network connecting Eurasia and North Africa via land and sea routes. The Silk Road earned its name from Chinese silk, a highly valued commodity that merchants transported along these trade networks. […]
Which of the following students provides the most accurate summary of the research on Metacomprehension accuracy among college students?
Which of the following students provides the most accurate summary of the research on Metacomprehension accuracy among college students? Which of the following students provides the most accurate summary of the research on metacomprehension accuracy among college students? Cheryl: “Students’ metacomprehension accuracy and their reading comprehension scores are significantly correlated.” Which of the following is […]
In what type of plea bargain does the defendant plead guilty to a less serious offense than the one charged quizlet?
In what type of plea bargain does the defendant plead guilty to a less serious offense than the one charged quizlet? In charge bargain, defendant pleas guilty to a less serious charge than the one originally specified. In count bargain, defendant pleas guilty to a few of the charges in the indictment. In sentence bargain […]
How did New York politics change in 1820s?
How did New York politics change in 1820s? Similarly, New York amended its state constitution in 1821–1822 and removed the property qualifications for voting. By the 1820s, 80 percent of the white male population could vote in New York State elections. No other state had expanded suffrage so dramatically. How did democracy change during the […]
What causes you to be sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner?
What causes you to be sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner? The average Thanksgiving meal has over 3,000 calories and 229 grams of fat. As your body works to digest this massive amount of food, blood is pulled away from your brain, thus causing you to become tired. How much turkey do you have to eat to […]