Who were the first missionaries in Papua New Guinea?

Who were the first missionaries in Papua New Guinea? Methodists Who was an important missionary that spread Christianity? apostle Paul Who were the first missionaries? St. Francis Are missionaries biblical? According to scripture, missionaries are Christians who have been called by God to leave the comfort of their homeland and go overseas to spread the […]

How does competition affect population growth?

How does competition affect population growth? Competition​ for resources among members of two or more different species (interspecific competition) also affects population size. This principle states that if two species are competing for the same resource, the species with a more rapid growth rate will outcompete the other. How can competition limit a population’s growth […]

Why are federal unfunded mandates Criticised?

Why are federal unfunded mandates Criticised? Critics argue that unfunded mandates are inefficient and are an unfair imposition of the national government on the smaller governments. While many scholars do not object to the goals of the mandates, the way they are enforced and written are criticized for their ineffectiveness. How do unfunded mandates affect […]

How did Rome grow into an empire?

How did Rome grow into an empire? Rome transitioned from a republic to an empire after power shifted away from a representative democracy to a centralized imperial authority, with the emperor holding the most power. What are 3 reasons why Rome fell? 8 Reasons Why Rome Fell Invasions by Barbarian tribes. Economic troubles and overreliance […]

What did the NIRA do?

What did the NIRA do? The National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 (NIRA) was a US labor law and consumer law passed by the 73rd US Congress to authorize the President to regulate industry for fair wages and prices that would stimulate economic recovery. What was the NRA during the Great Depression? National Recovery Administration […]

Why is REM sleep called paradoxical sleep?

Why is REM sleep called paradoxical sleep? REM sleep is often associated with very vivid dreams due to the increase in brain activity. Because the muscles are immobilized yet the brain is very active, this stage of sleep is sometimes called paradoxical sleep. What does REM stand for in the REM sleep stage? During the […]

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