How did Rome grow into an empire?

How did Rome grow into an empire? Rome transitioned from a republic to an empire after power shifted away from a representative democracy to a centralized imperial authority, with the emperor holding the most power. What are 3 reasons why Rome fell? 8 Reasons Why Rome Fell Invasions by Barbarian tribes. Economic troubles and overreliance […]

What did the NIRA do?

What did the NIRA do? The National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 (NIRA) was a US labor law and consumer law passed by the 73rd US Congress to authorize the President to regulate industry for fair wages and prices that would stimulate economic recovery. What was the NRA during the Great Depression? National Recovery Administration […]

Which incident type requires regional or national resources all Command and General Staff?

Which incident type requires regional or national resources all Command and General Staff? Type 1 Incident requires regional or national resources, all Command and General Staff positions are activated, branches are activated, personnel may exceed 500 per operational period, and a disaster declaration may occur. Which incident type requires one or two single resources with […]

What led to the increase in urban population?

What led to the increase in urban population? The two causes of urbanisation are natural population increase and rural to urban migration. Urbanisation affects all sizes of settlements from small villages to towns to cities, leading up to the growth of mega-cities which have more than ten million people. What caused urbanization to occur so […]

What is the role of social media in the violation of human rights and give an example?

What is the role of social media in the violation of human rights and give an example? The exposing of social evils,casting couch and spreading social awareness like, about health, sanitation, education are the roles played by media. There are many ill practises going in our nation like child marriage,honour killing, female infanticide,rape,sexual abuse,home violence, […]

Why is the bureaucracy important?

Why is the bureaucracy important? Bureaucracy in Government and Business In government or large organizations, bureaucracy is indispensable in administering rules and regulations. A bureaucratic structure is designed to administer large-scale and systematic coordination between many people working at different levels to achieve a common goal. What model of bureaucracy is the United States? The […]

What percentage of Utah County is Mormon?

What percentage of Utah County is Mormon? 82 percent What percentage of the Salt Lake City population is Mormon? 49% How many Mormons live in Utah? 2 million Mormons How Mormon is Salt Lake City? Clearly, Salt Lake City exists, and thrives today, because of the settling of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day […]

Why were the Founding Fathers called the Founding Fathers?

Why were the Founding Fathers called the Founding Fathers? The U.S. Constitution brought together, in one remarkable document, ideas from many people and several existing documents, including the Articles of Confederation and Declaration of Independence. Those who made significant intellectual contributions to the Constitution are called the “Founding Fathers” of our country. Who is the […]

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