What is a group of warm blooded animals with hair or fur?

What is a group of warm blooded animals with hair or fur? 1 Answer. Warm-blooded animals with hair or fur are called mammals. What are warm blooded animals called? Endotherm, so-called warm-blooded animals; that is, those that maintain a constant body temperature independent of the environment. The endotherms primarily include the birds and mammals; however, […]

How did the discovery of oil affect Texas?

How did the discovery of oil affect Texas? The oil industry brought opportunities to Texans. Texas became the center of oil exploration and production in the nation. Many rural areas grew into cities. New types of jobs were created, and people had more time to enjoy leisure activities such as baseball. How does the oil […]

How did the UK become a multi ethnic society?

How did the UK become a multi ethnic society? Britain has always had immigrants, but after the Second World War, a shortage of workers lead to many different cultures coming to Britain; Afro-Caribbean (Africans and West Indians), Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese, and Bangladeshi. In 1994 only 4.8% of Britain’s population came from ethnic minorities. How did […]

When a person incorrectly remembers the time place person or circumstances involved in a memory she is experiencing group of answer choices?

When a person incorrectly remembers the time place person or circumstances involved in a memory she is experiencing group of answer choices? Memory distortion that occurs when people misremember the time, place, person, or circumstances involved with a memory. When a memory fades over time it is called? Memories are affected by how a person […]

Which case held that any form of electronic surveillance is a search and violates a reasonable expectation of privacy select one?

Which case held that any form of electronic surveillance is a search and violates a reasonable expectation of privacy select one? Katz v. United States What law expanded the surveillance rights of the government against all citizens quizlet? (Eggen) The Patriot Act, passed overwhelmingly by Congress in the weeks after the 2001 terrorist attacks, gave […]

What type of government is Saudi Arabia?

What type of government is Saudi Arabia? MonarchyUnitary stateAbsolute monarchyIslamic state Which best describes the government of Saudi Arabia? Which BEST describes the government of Saudi Arabia? Monarchy. Is Saudi Arabia a monarchy? Saudi Arabia is a monarchy ruled by the Āl Saʿūd, a family whose status was established by its close ties with and […]

Who supported the North American Free Trade Agreement?

Who supported the North American Free Trade Agreement? United States After much consideration and emotional discussion, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234–200. The agreement’s supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. What is the purpose of the North American Free Trade Agreement? […]

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