How can I chat with friends after a long time?

How can I chat with friends after a long time? Conversation starters for reconnecting with an old friend Start with something simple. Let’s make it simple and direct. Expand the topic. Ask about their current situation. Bring back good old memories. Dig Deeper. End conversation with a plan. How do you strike up a conversation […]

What are the different types of social stratification?

What are the different types of social stratification? Sociologists generally distinguish four main types of social stratification – slavery, estate, caste and social class and status. How do social stratification affect your life as a student? Social class or socioeconomic status greatly impacts child development and student achievement outcomes. It is well documented in educational […]

How is Hong Kong related to China?

How is Hong Kong related to China? Is Hong Kong Separate from China? Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China and is an “inalienable part” of the country. Due to its special status, Hong Kong is able to exercise a high degree of autonomy and enjoy executive, legislative, and independent judicial power. Is […]

What is the Wallerstein world systems theory?

What is the Wallerstein world systems theory? Page ID 8190. World Systems Theory posits that there is a world economic system in which some countries benefit while others are exploited. Learning Objectives. Produce a map of the world that shows some countries as core, peripheral, and semi-peripheral according to Wallerstein’s theory. What are the 4 […]

What is a fancy word for powerful?

What is a fancy word for powerful? dominant, impressive, capable, influential, forceful, persuasive, dynamic, potent, authoritative, mighty, compelling, vigorous, robust, energetic, all-powerful, able, almighty, authoritarian, cogent, commanding. What is the synonym of most powerful? other words for most powerful capable. dominant. dynamic. forceful. impressive. What is the opposite of powerful? nerveless, feeble, uninfluential, helpless, weak, […]

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