Can a foreigner become a US citizen? Becoming a citizen through naturalization is a process in which a non-U.S. citizen voluntarily becomes an American citizen. U.S. citizens: Owe their allegiance to the United States. How does a person become a US citizen? In all, there are four fundamental ways to become a U.S. citizen: citizenship […]
Who was the government leader with absolute power?
Who was the government leader with absolute power? Absolute Monarchy was a Government with a sovereign leader who came into power by marriage or offspring; they had complete control with no limitations from constitution or law. They were considered the head of state and head of Government. What is a dictatorship has absolute power over […]
What are the characteristics of a primate city?
What are the characteristics of a primate city? A primate city is the dominant city among a country’s urban areas. Countries have urban hierarchies comprising large and small cities in terms of their population sizes, spatial extent, or territorial size and the importance of their economies. What is primate city in geography? A primate city […]
How do you suppose Ophelia feels after listening to her brother and her father?
How do you suppose Ophelia feels after listening to her brother and her father? Ophelia must have felt disrespected as it was her life they were talking about, and perhaps they were attempting to make decisions for her, decisions that she wouldn’t have liked. What is Ophelia’s response to her brother? What’s Ophelia’s response to […]
When Venus is nearly but not exactly between the Earth and the sun it appears as a?
How many state capitals are also the largest city?
How many state capitals are also the largest city? At one point, the city of Detroit was Michigan’s state capital but this was moved to Lansing to have the capital be farther away from British-controlled Canada….There are 33 capitals who are NOT the largest city in their state. State Capital Largest city Alabama Montgomery Birmingham […]
What is the best description of the location of the Amazon River?
What is the best description of the location of the Amazon River? The Amazon River is located in the northern portion of South America, flowing from west to east. The river system originates in the Andes Mountains of Peru and travels through Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Brazil before emptying into the Atlantic Ocean. Where […]
What type of foundation is footing?
What type of foundation is footing? Shallow foundations are also called spread footings or open footings. They are created by excavating and grading the site of your structure to the depth of your footings. The footing is then poured, visible to the world during the early stages of construction. What is a foundation in construction? […]
What does C Wright Mills mean by history and biography?
What does C Wright Mills mean by history and biography? Wright Mills mean when he spoke about biography and history? Definition. He meant that “history” is the fact that society is located in a broad stream of events, and “biography” refers to an individual’s specific experiences. What is meant by the intersection of biography and […]
How was the caravel better for explorations than earlier ships Brainly?
How was the caravel better for explorations than earlier ships Brainly? Caravels grew larger and more spacious as the turn of the 16th century approached. As the caravel did not go deep, it was the proper ship for exploration of river discharges in shallow waters. With the help of the Latin seal it was able […]