What was the condition of Nepal before unification? Introduction. Nepal before unification was divided into many small kingdoms which were fighting in the east known as the Koshi region. While there were Malla Kingdoms in the Kathmandu valley, Kathmandu was known as ‘the Nepal Valley’. Similarly, the Gandaki Region was known as the Baise States. […]
What are the four North American deserts?
What are the four North American deserts? North America has four major deserts: Great Basin, Mohave, Chihuahuan and Sonoran. All but the Sonoran Desert have cold winters. What states in the US have deserts? Mojave Desert California (the High Desert); and parts of western Arizona, southern Nevada, and a small portion of Utah. Death Valley, […]
Why are there 4 presidents on Mount Rushmore?
Why are there 4 presidents on Mount Rushmore? Carved into the side of the large mountain are the faces of four men who were United States presidents. These men were chosen because all four played important roles in American history. The four faces carved onto Mount Rushmore are those of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham […]
What are all elements poets use to create image and express their theme?
What are all elements poets use to create image and express their theme? However, it does often uses elements such as metaphors sentence fragments, imagery, vivid language and word choice to convey meaning, lessons, or moral messages (theme) and to create mental pictures that appeal to the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch […]
When a stressor is deemed significant and meaningful?
When a stressor is deemed significant and meaningful? When a stressor is deemed significant and meaningful, the individual typically begins to take a look at the resources he/she has to deal with the situation. What is the name for the process we experience when we evaluate our ability to cope with a challenge post appraisal […]
What is loan example?
What is loan example? Common examples include home purchase loans, auto loans, personal loans, and many student loans. Revolving loans allow you to borrow and repay repeatedly. Repayment requirements depend on the specifics of your loan. Examples of revolving debt include credit cards and home equity lines of credit (HELOCs). What is loan and types […]
What is the mission of the late stages of early adulthood through middle adulthood?
What is the mission of the late stages of early adulthood through middle adulthood? According to Schaie, what is the mission of people in late adulthood? According to Schaie, late adulthood marks a period in which people no longer focus on acquiring knowledge to solve potential problems, but rather focus on acquiring information directed toward […]
Who made the famous speech the Atlanta Compromise in 1895 Brainly?
Who made the famous speech the Atlanta Compromise in 1895 Brainly? Booker T. Washington What did Booker T Washington mean when he said cast your bucket down in his 1895 Atlanta speech? 2. “Cast Down Your Bucket”: Dr. Washington’s belief that people should make the most of any situation they find themselves in. He felt […]
What are some examples of human group behavior?
What are some examples of human group behavior? Examples of human social behavior include: shaking hands. flirting. conversation. religious rituals. snubbing or “putting down” another person. exchanging nonverbal signals (like smiles or frowns) offering reassurance or consolation. sharing a meal. What is another name for informational social influence? Social psychology research in conformity tends to […]
What ideas did Plato and Aristotle support?
What ideas did Plato and Aristotle support? The rule of law Which democratic ideals were practiced by Athens? Athenian democracy refers to the system of democratic government used in Athens, Greece from the 5th to 4th century BCE. Under this system, all male citizens – the dēmos – had equal political rights, freedom of speech, […]