What is the cuticle and where is it found? In some higher plants, the cuticle is a water-impervious protective layer covering the epidermal cells of leaves and other parts and limiting water loss. It consists of cutin, a waxy, water-repellent substance allied to suberin, which is found in the cell walls of corky tissue. What […]
How do I create a PSD file?
How long does it take IRS to mail refund check?
How long does it take IRS to mail refund check? If you file a complete and accurate paper tax return, your refund should be issued in about six to eight weeks from the date IRS receives your return. If you file your return electronically, your refund should be issued in less than three weeks, even […]
Which is the main source of campaign funds?
Which is the main source of campaign funds? Contributions are the most common source of campaign support. A contribution is anything of value given, loaned or advanced to influence a federal election. What can campaign funds be used for? Campaign funds may be used to make donations or loans to bona fide charitable, educational, civic, […]
Is Stockton near Fresno?
Is Stockton near Fresno? Distance from Fresno, CA to Stockton, CA There are 118.11 miles from Fresno to Stockton in northwest direction and 127 miles (204.39 kilometers) by car, following the CA 99 route. Fresno and Stockton are 2 hours far apart, if you drive non-stop . Fresno, CA and Stockton, CA are in the […]
How do you replace a 3 point plug?
How are the Girl Scouts funded?
How are the Girl Scouts funded? Girl Scout groups are funded by a share of money earned through council-sponsored product sale activities (such as Girl Scout cookie activities), group money-earning activities (council-approved, of course), and any dues your group may charge. Do Boy Scouts receive federal funding? Funds to support the national organization of the […]
How long does it take for Tdap to be effective?
How does seafloor spreading support the theory of plate tectonics?
How does seafloor spreading support the theory of plate tectonics? Seafloor spreading helps explain continental drift in the theory of plate tectonics. Plates that are not subducting are driven by gravity sliding off the elevated mid-ocean ridges a process called ridge push. At a spreading center, basaltic magma rises up the fractures and cools on […]
Is iPad better than Kindle?
Is iPad better than Kindle? If you have kids and want to read to them, there’s no question about it: an iPad looks much more exciting and will catch their attention better than Kindle’s black and white screen. On iPad, you also have a lot more reading app options. Kindle, meanwhile, is a bit more […]