Did Harley own Buell?

Did Harley own Buell? Over time, Harley-Davidson invested in Buell Motorcycle Company and eventually bought a 100% ownership stake, keeping Buell on as Chief Technical Officer and front man for the company. Are Buell motorcycles any good? Judging from the loyalty of Buell owners, the last generation of the 126,000 bikes produced by Buell are […]

What was the Madawaska war?

What was the Madawaska war? The Aroostook War, which took place from 1838-39, involved timber-hungry Mainers and timber-hungry New Brunswickers. They squared off until Daniel Webster settled the whole thing. Though the conflict was more farce than war, the mythical Republic of Madawaska that started it is taken seriously by its inhabitants today. When was […]

What size is a Honda Shadow?

What size is a Honda Shadow? 2020 Honda Shadow Aero Specifications Model Shadow Aero ABS (VT750CS) Trail 161mm (6.3 in.) Length 96.8 in. Width 36.2 in. Height 44.3 in. How many miles will a Honda Shadow last? A well-maintained Honda Shadow can last 15 years, on average. 15,000 miles is considered high mileage for these […]

Is a gander a female or male?

Is a gander a female or male? The term “goose” may refer to either a male or female bird, but when paired with “gander”, refers specifically to a female one (the latter referring to a male). Which type of noun is Gander? noun. the male of the goose. Compare goose (def. 2). What is the […]

How can GIS help police?

How can GIS help police? Police agencies worldwide are using geospatial technologies for mapping crime, identifying crime hot spots, assigning officers, and profiling offenders. Spatial analysis is giving geographical context to real world incidents and helping police officials to create geographical profiling of offenders. Why do police forces use GIS? For example, GIS is used […]

How do you politely say bring a gift?

How do you politely say bring a gift? Write “Gifts would be appreciated” on the invitation A straight to the point way would be to write it in a small print at the bottom of the invitation. The way you word it is very important. Use words like, “gifts would be appreciated”. Or state the […]

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