Can sheep attack you?

Can sheep attack you? A young sheep, called a lamb, is easily spooked and older sheep will attack without thought in order to protect them against a perceived threat. There are no known cases of black sheep attacking humans. Are sheep aggressive? While sheep are generally docile, non-aggressive creatures, this is not necessarily the case […]

Do braces fix fang teeth?

Do braces fix fang teeth? The most common approach to treating high canine teeth is the use of braces and other orthodontic appliances. The carefully applied pressure of braces will help shift the position of the teeth and improve overall dental alignment. Palatal spaces may also be used to help create more room to accommodate […]

What are the long-term effects of frostbite?

What are the long-term effects of frostbite? Complications from frostbite, especially if left untreated, include growth defects in children, infection, tetanus, gangrene (decay and death of tissue), long-term numbness or permanent loss of sensation in the affected area, changes in the cartilage between joints near the affected area (frostbite arthritis), and … What body parts […]

What is the difference between Oasdi and Social Security?

What is the difference between Oasdi and Social Security? FICA refers to the combined taxes withheld for Social Security and Medicare (FICA stands for the Federal Insurance Contributions Act). On your pay statement, Social Security taxes are referred to as OASDI, for Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance. What was the purpose of the Social […]

What is the passing marks for 10th?

What is the passing marks for 10th? The Minimum Pass Marks for CBSE Class 10 for Board exams 2021 are as follows….CBSE Class 10 Minimum Pass Marks (Subject Wise) Subject Code 086 Subject Science Pass Marks 33 Total Marks 100 What is the minimum marks to pass in SSLC? Karnataka SSLC Pass Percentage Students must […]

What does Bunch mean in pinochle?

What does Bunch mean in pinochle? Bid-or-bunch = this is a bidding option that says, “I don’t really like my cards and want a re-deal, but if someone else bids, I’ll bid.” If all players say either pass or bid-or-bunch, then the cards will be re-dealt. What are the rules for playing pinochle? Each trick […]

How do you know if you messed up your lower back?

How do you know if you messed up your lower back? Signs you may have injured your back include: pain or tenderness (sore to touch) pain that worsens with movement, coughing, sneezing or laughing. stiffness or difficulty moving. difficulty standing up straight. muscles in spasm on either side of the spine. bruising. swelling. pain that […]

What is the shape of the lemon?

What is the shape of the lemon? Citrus Fruits The fruit size and shape of the lemon are highly variable from spherical in Baramasi lemon or Eureka to oblong. The fruit color is green to bright yellow at maturity and is with or without a collar at the neck. What causes misshapen lemons? Those lemons […]

How do you find a fairy in your house?

How do you find a fairy in your house? To help attract fairies to your little house leave shiny rocks or treats for them. Fairies love when we leave treats. You can find flowers with nectar, honey, or berries to leave as offerings. What gifts do fairies leave? Don’t forget to leave an offering for […]

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