Do cartilaginous fish have swim bladders?

Do cartilaginous fish have swim bladders? Instead of having an operculum covering their gills, sharks and rays have 5-7 visible gill slits on the sides of their head. Unlike bony fish, the cartilaginous fish do not have a swim bladder, so must move continuously or else they will sink. Do sharks have a swim bladder? […]

How do I find eBay stores?

How do I find eBay stores? Searching for items in eBay Shops Click the Advanced Search link located at the top of most eBay pages. On the left side of the page, under Shops, click the Find Shops link. Enter your search words and select the “Shops with matching items” option. Click the Search button. […]

How long is a flight from Missouri to Texas?

How long is a flight from Missouri to Texas? 1 hour, 41 minutes Is Missouri close to Texas? Distance from Missouri to Texas is 992 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 616 miles. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Missouri and Texas is 992 km= 616 miles. If you travel with […]

Who had 7 husbands?

Who had 7 husbands? Elizabeth Taylor Had 7 Husbands and Eight Marriages, but Richard Burton Truly Defined Her. Elizabeth Taylor, one of Hollywood’s finest of all time, is renowned for her classic roles in movies as well as her active love life, but one man truly defined her. Is it hard to date a celebrity? […]

Who goes to Valhalla and who goes to Folkvangr?

Who goes to Valhalla and who goes to Folkvangr? In Norse mythology, Fólkvangr (Old Norse “field of the host” or “people-field” or “army-field”) is a meadow or field ruled over by the goddess Freyja where half of those that die in combat go upon death, while the other half go to the god Odin in […]

Is a shark a consumer producer or Decomposer?

Is a shark a consumer producer or Decomposer? Tertiary consumers are often the “top predators” in a food chain. This means that no other animals eat them. A great white shark leaps out of the water, catching a seal in its jaws. A shark is a tertiary consumer. Are whales decomposers? Some animals that eat […]

How do you get a tombstone in Sims 2?

How do you get a tombstone in Sims 2? Here’s how to get the tombstone of Life and Death to appear: Open the cheat console by holding down CTRL + SHIFT + C. Type in “boolprop testingcheatsenabled true” without the quotations and press Enter. Hold down the SHIFT key on your keyboard. Right-click on any […]

What type of government does North Korea have 2019?

What type of government does North Korea have 2019? The constitution defines North Korea as “a dictatorship of people’s democracy” under the leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK), which is given legal supremacy over other political parties. What type of government does Korea have 2021? The National Assembly building has been located in […]

Is the last name Shaw Irish?

Is the last name Shaw Irish? The name Shaw is derived from the Gaelic word ‘sithech’ meaning ‘wolf’. Most of the name in Ireland are of immigrant origin having arrived from Scotland during the seventeenth century. It is in Ulster as well as in County Dublin that the name is today still mostly found. Is […]

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