Is a basilisk a carnivore?

Is a basilisk a carnivore? Green Basilisk Diet Although they’re primarily carnivorous, Green basilisks (Basiliscus plumifrons) — also known as plumed basilisks — are considered to be omnivores as they can eat a range of animal and plant foods. Their wild diet consists of various plants, fruits, insects and small vertebrates. Are basilisk lizards mammals? […]

What influences a teenager?

What influences a teenager? It’s always worth remembering that media – good and bad – is just one of several influences on teenage behaviour and attitudes. Other influences include family, friends and peers, cultural background and more. Who has the biggest influence on teenagers? 5 Powerful Influencers In a Teenager’s Life Your friends/Your social circle. […]

What are gibbon babies called?

What are gibbon babies called? Gibbons are social animals that are active during the day (they are diurnal). They live in small, stable family groups consisting of a mated pair (a male and a female who mate for life) and their immature offspring (juveniles, gibbons less than 7 years old). How many gibbons are left […]

What did the Dutch do to the natives?

What did the Dutch do to the natives? Regarding the Indians, the Dutch generally followed a policy of live and let live: they did not force assimilation or religious conversion on the Indians. Both in Europe and in North America, the Dutch had little interest in forcing conformity on religious, political, and racial minorities. What […]

Which class of lever is a wheel barrow?

Which class of lever is a wheel barrow? second class levers Is wheelbarrow a complex machine? what is a wheelbarrow? Wheelbarrows are compound machines. It consists of 3 simple machines. They are lever, wheel and axle, and inclined plane. Which is easier pushing or pulling a wheelbarrow? Pulling the wheelbarrow instead reverses the force vector, […]

What types of gifts are given on Christmas in Germany?

What types of gifts are given on Christmas in Germany? Find your traditional German Christmas gift out of over 600 nutcrackers, 900 german incense smokers, 250 wooden Christmas Pyramids, 125 Schwibbogen (Candle Arches) and hundreds of wonderful wooden figurines and Christmas ornaments like flower children, wooden angels, angel orchestras, nativity scenes, manger figurines. Do Germans […]

How is GPS used in earthquakes?

How is GPS used in earthquakes? GPS measures the size of an earthquake by examining the final amount that a station has been displaced in an event. This is done by examining the total distance that a station has moved in an earthquake by comparing its position prior to the event with its position following […]

How many calories are in a pita sandwich?

How many calories are in a pita sandwich? Their classic pita sandwich has 730 calories and 17 grams of saturated fat (more than three-quarters of a day’s supply) if you fill it with gyro, but 560 calories and 4 grams of saturated fat if you fill it with falafel. The gyros’ 1,280 mg of sodium […]

What causes a cow to stop producing milk?

What causes a cow to stop producing milk? After four or five years of producing abnormally large quantities of milk, thanks to genetic manipulation and drugs, cows become “spent. Their bodies just give out and they stop producing as much milk. Many suffer a painful infection called mastitis; others become so weak they are unable […]

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