Do meringues freeze well?

Do meringues freeze well? And do they freeze well? Yes, you can freeze meringue. Meringue can be frozen for around 10 months. To freeze meringues, freeze them on a baking tray then once solid transfer them to a freezer bag to store for the long term. How Long Will homemade meringues keep? You can keep […]

What is education like in French Guiana?

What is education like in French Guiana? Education in French Guiana is compulsory for all children between ages 6 and 16, and the medium of tuition is French because the country is an overseas department of France. Enrollment at primary school which lasts for 5 years is almost 100%, except for in remoter rural areas […]

How do I find my MICR code?

How do I find my MICR code? The MICR code is located on the bottom of a cheque leaf, next to the cheque number. You can also find it printed on the first page of a bank savings account passbook. Where can I find MICR code in net banking? Where can I find the MICR […]

What is the strongest intermolecular forces in hi?

What is the strongest intermolecular forces in hi? Dipole-dipole interactions are the strongest intermolecular force of attraction. What intermolecular force is hi? H-I. All three molecules are polar so relative dipole forces will important. LDF forces must also be considered in determining the relative boiling points. What is the boiling point of hi? -31.65°F (-35.36°C) […]

How do I get English to translate automatically?

How do I get English to translate automatically? Try refreshing the webpage. If it’s still not working, right-click anywhere on the page. Then, click Translate to [Language]….Translate webpages in Chrome On your computer, open Chrome. Go to a webpage written in another language. At the top, click Translate. Chrome will translate the webpage this one […]

What is the Pararectal fossa?

What is the Pararectal fossa? par·a·rec·tal fos·sa. [TA] a peritoneal depression on either side of the rectum formed by peritoneal (sacrogenital) folds passing from the posterolateral pelvic wall to the central pelvic viscera. The fossa is a lateral extension of the male rectovesical pouch or the female rectouterine pouch. What is the lateral fossa? The […]

Will weed and feed hurt vegetables?

Will weed and feed hurt vegetables? If any of that material drifts or runs off into the vegetable garden, the weed-killer could kill your plants, while crabgrass preventer would hinder the germination of any vegetables that you direct-seed, such as red beets, lettuce and spinach. Residue left on the clippings also can kill vegetable plants. […]

What part of celery is the stalk?

What part of celery is the stalk? “Celery we eat is the stem of the plant.” Wikipedia: “Celery is used around the world as a vegetable for the crisp petiole (leaf stalk).” What defines a celery stalk? Americans use the word stalk to refer to a single branch or rib, when the word stalk really […]

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