What is bye Flemish?

What is bye Flemish? Most people in Belgium speak French, with a small portion of the Belgian population speaking Dutch (Flemish). Hello: Salut. Pronounced: Sal oo. Goodbye: Au revoir. Pronounced: Oh ruh vwar. How do you say please in Belgium? The informal version is alsjeblieft (“als het je belieft”), but it’s not as commonly used, […]

Can you make a Lego of yourself?

Can you make a Lego of yourself? Brick Yourself is here to make a replica out of you or a friend, and it is awesome. Yes, this is a real thing: Firebox, a London-based online retailer known for their wacky yet hilarious items, is making it possible for you to have a real, tangible, toy […]

How many matches each IPL team will play?

How many matches each IPL team will play? Each team is set to play at four venues during the league stage. Out of the 56 league matches, Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata and Bengaluru will host 10 matches each while Ahmedabad and Delhi will host eight matches each. How many games does a team need to win […]

How long can you store grape juice?

How long can you store grape juice? Grape juice that has been continuously refrigerated will keep for about 7 to 10 days after opening. To further extend the shelf life of opened grape juice, freeze it: to freeze grape juice, store in airtight container and leave at least 1/2 inch headspace at the top, as […]

Is Tanzania a city or country?

Is Tanzania a city or country? Tanzania, East African country situated just south of the Equator. Tanzania was formed as a sovereign state in 1964 through the union of the theretofore separate states of Tanganyika and Zanzibar. Mainland Tanganyika covers more than 99 percent of the combined territories’ total area. How many cities are in […]

What causes a helicopter to spin out of control?

What causes a helicopter to spin out of control? If this control input is insufficient or degraded due to external factors like high altitude, adverse winds, high temperatures, or due to handling deficiencies, the helicopter can quickly spin out of control. Such a phenomenon is called ‘loss of tail rotor effectiveness’ or ‘LTE’, in the […]

What type of teeth does a herbivore have?

What type of teeth does a herbivore have? Herbivores typically have chisel-like incisors and large, flat premolars and molars for chewing plants, while their canines are small, if they have them at all. Is the dentition that of a carnivore or herbivore? The given dentition is that of a herbivore as canines are not present […]

What do jewelers use to clean diamonds?

What do jewelers use to clean diamonds? Jewelers use ultrasonic cleaners with high frequency sound waves and chemicals, which create bubbles that latch on to the dirt on the diamond. The high frequency sound waves pull the dirt away from the stone and bring them up to the surface. Can I use vinegar to clean […]

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