What are the advantages of raster graphic?

What are the advantages of raster graphic? Advantages of raster graphics: * Raster graphics are great when creating rich and detailed images. Every pixel in a raster image can be a different colour therefore you can create a complex image with any kind of colour changes and variations. What are the advantages of Raster? Advantages […]

What is celery derived from?

What is celery derived from? Celery (Apium graveolens) is a marshland plant in the family Apiaceae that has been cultivated as a vegetable since antiquity. Celery has a long fibrous stalk tapering into leaves. Depending on location and cultivar, either its stalks, leaves or hypocotyl are eaten and used in cooking. When was celery first […]

What foods are not eaten in China?

What foods are not eaten in China? What Foods do Chinese Avoid? Green Vegetables. The basic 101 on how to avoid food poisoning in China is to avoid mass produced vegetables. Dairy Products. Live Fish. Shellfish and Clamshells. Frogs and Eels. Frozen Dumplings. Smoked Foods. Prepared Meals at Roadside Street Vendors. What countries eat gravy? […]

What is it like being in forensics?

What is it like being in forensics? Forensic science technicians usually work during regular business hours in a lab whereas crime scene investigators tend to have an irregular schedule. You might work staggered shifts in the day, evening, or night. If evidence has to be collected or analyzed, crime scene investigators may be required to […]

Are Jet Airways still flying?

Are Jet Airways still flying? Jet Airways was forced to ground all flights in April 2019, crippled by mounting losses. New Delhi: The grounded Jet Airways will take to the skies in its new avatar by the end of this calendar year. Jet Airways was forced to ground all flights in April 2019, crippled by […]

What is a monthly medal in golf?

What is a monthly medal in golf? Most clubs organise a monthly medal where you play a stroke play competition all shots to count and the winner is the person with the lowest score. If it’s gross the actual shots taken if it’s a nett comp the winner is lowest with handicap deducted. How do […]

What was the largest prehistoric whale?

What was the largest prehistoric whale? Leviathan melvillei Did the Zygorhiza live in water? Zygorhiza kochii: skeleton Z. kochii was one of the first fully aquatic whales and had large, multi-cusped teeth for shearing prey items like fish and squid. How big was the basilosaurus whale? It attained a length of about 21 metres (about […]

When was greyhound racing banned?

When was greyhound racing banned? The following are the most recent states to pass legislation prohibiting dog racing: Maine (1993), Virginia (1995), Vermont (1995), Idaho (1996), Washington (1996), Nevada (1997), North Carolina (1998), Pennsylvania (2004), Massachusetts (2010), Rhode Island (2010), New Hampshire (2010), Colorado (2014), Arizona (2016) … When was greyhound racing banned in Florida? […]

What does the Federalist 10 mean?

What does the Federalist 10 mean? Published on November 22, 1787 under the name “Publius”, Federalist No. 10 is among the most highly regarded of all American political writings. No. 10 addresses the question of how to reconcile citizens with interests contrary to the rights of others or inimical to the interests of the community […]

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