How is a high pressure zone created? Areas of high and low pressure are caused by ascending and descending air. As air warms it ascends, leading to low pressure at the surface. As air cools it descends, leading to high pressure at the surface. How do we create pressure? Pressure is defined to be the […]
What nationality is Hanukkah?
What nationality is Hanukkah? Jewish Why is Hanukkah celebrated in the UK? Jewish people around the world celebrate Hanukkah to commemorate an event traditionally termed the miracle of the cruse of oil, as described in the Talmud, one of the central scriptures of Judaism. How did Hanukkah originate? According to I Maccabees, the celebration of […]
Can a clutch be adjusted?
Can a clutch be adjusted? Although some hydraulic clutches can be adjusted, many are self-adjusting. Check in your car handbook or service manual. If slip occurs on a self-adjusting clutch, the clutch has to be overhauled. If drag occurs, the hydraulics may be at fault (See Checking and removing a clutch master cylinder ). Can […]
Who wore jersey 42?
Why is maximum sustainable yield important?
Why is maximum sustainable yield important? Why is it important to know about maximum sustainable yield (MSY)? To manage human take from the wild, one needs to know how much can be safely taken without depleting the resource one wants to take from, and without otherwise negatively impacting the environment. Fishing is no exception. What […]
Do plants grow faster with hot or cold water?
Do plants grow faster with hot or cold water? Plants require water for proper growth. They use it to absorb nutrients from the surrounding soil and distribute it throughout their structures. The temperature of the water is indeed a factor for most plants and many will grow faster and larger in warmer water over colder […]
Can a 30-30 be used for elk?
How do you list accomplishments on performance review?
How do you list accomplishments on performance review? Gather your notes and draft a chronological list of your accomplishments. Review your notes about each goal you reached during the past year, and flesh out the details for each goal. For each accomplishment, state the goal, and indicate the time frame or date you reached the […]
What constitutes a crime against humanity?
What constitutes a crime against humanity? Crimes against humanity refer to specific crimes committed in the context of a large-scale attack targeting civilians, regardless of their nationality. These crimes include murder, torture, sexual violence, enslavement, persecution, enforced disappearance, etc. What is the difference between crimes against peace and crimes against humanity? three categories of crime: […]