What makes grape juice acidic? Grape juice and the must obtained from pressing are acidic, with a pH that generally ranges between 3.2 and 4.0. At harvest time, over 90% of grape acidity is due to malic acid and tartaric acid. Citric acid also occurs naturally in grapes, albeit in smaller quantities. What acid is […]
What is Nvidia and do I need it?
How many stalks of celery can I eat a day?
How many stalks of celery can I eat a day? Two medium stalks of celery provide about 8% of your daily fiber needs, according to the FDA. Some recent research suggests that the antioxidants in celery could also help protect the stomach lining and reduce the risk of gastric ulcers. What happens if I eat […]
Why are fire-bellied toads endangered?
Why are fire-bellied toads endangered? Main threat to the survival of the fire-bellied toads is habitat loss, which is the reason why Apennine yellow-bellied toad is on the list of endangered species. Other threats include pollution, changing of the habitat (draining of swamps), diseases… Are fire belly toads endangered? Not extinct Will fire belly toads […]
What are the common dance steps?
What are the common dance steps? Terms in this set (9) accented running steps. count 1,2,3 (1M), stamp, step, step. bleking. a step often used in European folk dance. chasse. a french word meaning “to slide the foot” on ct. gallop. to step forward and then out to displace the first foot with the second. […]
Can you water bath can beef broth?
Can you water bath can beef broth? Tips For Making Canned Bone Broth: Bone broth cannot be water bath canned, it must be pressure canned. If you have not canned before, the national center for home food preservation has some great articles! And, even if you have canned before, a refresher isn’t a bad idea. […]
What if pregnancy test is negative after IVF?
What if pregnancy test is negative after IVF? Remember, a negative test does not mean you will never get pregnant or that you have ‘failed’. Although some couples have successful IVF first time, it is not unusual to need more than one cycle to conceive. It also does not mean that IVF and fertility treatment […]
Who were Moses and Susan Carver?
Who were Moses and Susan Carver? Moses Carver was born in Ohio. On August 11, 1834, he married Susan Blue in Sangamon County, Illinois. He and his brother Richard migrated to southwest Missouri around 1838 from Ohio and Illinois. Does George Washington Carver have a sister? Very little is known about George’s father, who may […]
Can you wash off mold on food?
Can you wash off mold on food? Clean the inside of the refrigerator every few months with 1 tablespoon of baking soda dissolved in a quart of water. Rinse with clear water and dry. Scrub visible mold (usually black) on rubber casings using 3 teaspoons of bleach in a quart of water. Keep dishcloths, towels, […]
What 4 things can molecular biologists look for to help them identify genes in sequences of DNA?
What 4 things can molecular biologists look for to help them identify genes in sequences of DNA? Molecular biologists identify genes in sequences of DNA by looking for promoters: binding sites for RNA polymerase, open reading frames: a sequence of DNA bases that will produce an mRNA sequence, the sequences that separate introns from exons, […]