Can you lose your house in Chapter 7?

Can you lose your house in Chapter 7? Most Chapter 7 bankruptcy filers can keep a home if they’re current on their mortgage payments and they don’t have much equity. However, it’s likely that a debtor will lose the home in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy if there’s significant equity that the trustee can use to […]

How do I reset my traction control light?

How do I reset my traction control light? The first thing to do, if your traction control warning light comes on while you are driving, is to find a safe spot to pull over. Turn your vehicle off, then restart it. If the traction control warning light stays off, there was a momentary glitch in […]

What animal in the savanna is a decomposer?

What animal in the savanna is a decomposer? Decomposer/detritivores: organisms that break down dead plant and animal material and waste and release it as energy and nutrients in the ecosystem. Examples: bacteria, fungi, termites. Scavenger: animal that eats dead or rotting animal flesh. Examples: vultures, hyenas. Are Tigers decomposers? Not all consumers eat plants, however. […]

Can you refinance multiple properties?

Can you refinance multiple properties? Fortunately, if you can keep your total number of mortgages to fewer than five, most lenders won’t have a problem with you refinancing two or more homes at once. For this reason, it’s usually a good idea to stay with the same lender when refinancing multiple properties at once. How […]

What is the pH of flat Coke?

What is the pH of flat Coke? On the pH scale, where 0 is completely acidic, 14 is completely alkaline and 7 is neutral, colas range from approximately 2.4 to 2.5, diet colas from 3.0 to 3.3, lemon-lime sodas from 3.2 to 3.3 and diet lemon-lime sodas from 3.4 to 3.7; root beer has a […]

What countries speak Georgian?

What countries speak Georgian? Georgian (ქართული kartuli) is a Kartvelian language spoken by about 4 million people, primarily in Georgia but also by indigenous communities in northern Turkey and Azerbaijan, and the diaspora, such as in Russia, Turkey, Iran, Europe, and north America. Is Georgian the same as Russian? Nope, they are from entirely different […]

Which Harry Potter book is the second one?

Which Harry Potter book is the second one? Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets What happens in the second book of Harry Potter? What happens in the book: After a summer spent with the Dursleys, Harry is excited to return to Hogwarts. An unexpected visitor, the house elf Dobby, tries in vain to prevent […]

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