How many mountains are there in Djibouti?

How many mountains are there in Djibouti? Djibouti has eight mountain ranges with peaks of over 1,000 m (3,281 ft). What major landforms are in Djibouti? Djibouti has a sand and stone desert with a narrow coastal plain; a central, low mountain range formed as part of the Great Rift Valley; and a dry plain […]

What is lga775 and lga1155?

What is lga775 and lga1155? Socket LGA 1155 uses a land grid array format, so the pins are on the socket, rather than the processor. Socket LGA 1155 uses the same cover plate as Socket 1156, but is not interchangeable with it. Socket LGA 1155 is also used by Intel’s Ivy Bridge (third-generation) Core ix-series […]

What are some adaptations of sea anemone?

What are some adaptations of sea anemone? Sea anemones can move slowly by gliding on their base. Many are also capable of moving rapidly to avoid predation or competition by detaching, catching a current and re-attaching elsewhere. What animal eats a giant green anemone? Predators include the nudibranch Aeolidia papillosa, and the snail Epitonium tinctum, […]

What Just Dance is footloose on?

What Just Dance is footloose on? Just Dance 2018 Is Just Dance Kid friendly? I highly recommend this game for small kids. I’ve seen older kids (ages 7 – 10) “help” their younger siblings & cousins by dancing along but they don’t admit they like it. What is better just dance 2020 or 2021? Just […]

How do you cite an article?

How do you cite an article? Author (last name, initials only for first & middle names) Date of publication of article (year and month for monthly publications; year, month and day for daily or weekly publications) Title of article (capitalize only the first word of title and subtitle, and proper nouns) How do you cite […]

Do expenses have a normal debit balance?

Do expenses have a normal debit balance? Normal Accounting Balances Assets and expenses have natural debit balances. Why expense account is debit account? In short, because expenses cause stockholder equity to decrease, they are an accounting debit. Is the normal balance of an expense account a credit? The normal balance of an expense account is […]

What was the result of the battle of Kashmir?

What was the result of the battle of Kashmir? Indian losses in the war totaled 1,104 killed and 3,154 wounded; Pakistani, about 6,000 killed and 14,000 wounded. India gained control of about two-thirds of Kashmir; Pakistan, the remaining one-third. Who is affected by the Kashmir conflict? The conflict started after the partition of India in […]

How long was Cena injured in 2008?

How long was Cena injured in 2008? Due to how severe the injury was Cena was given six months to a year as a time period for his recovery. In just three months, however, John Cena made an amazing surprise return at the 2008 Royal Rumble as the 30th entrant into the match. Why did […]

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