Can you move a gas fireplace? In most cases, it would be pretty easy to move a gas fireplace, needing only some more vent pipe and some carpentry skills to relocate it. A six foot lateral move with a wood-burning fireplace is much less likely to happen easily, and would probably take some more serious […]
What is a 50 to 1 oil mixture?
Why should a spare set of meeting documents be prepared?
Why should a spare set of meeting documents be prepared? It is important to prepare a spare set of documents for participants who may not have had time to print the documentation or did not receive their documentation in time for the meeting or may have inadvertently not brought them with to the meeting. What […]
What is the difference between Cardcaptors and Cardcaptor Sakura?
What is the difference between Cardcaptors and Cardcaptor Sakura? While Cardcaptor Sakura featured more polite and soft-spoken Japanese children, Cardcaptors portrayed the young characters to be far more outspoken. The dub aims to match what the new target audience would expect and appreciate. The most drastic change came to Sakura’s best friend, Tomoyo Daidoji. Why […]
What army regulation covers Army values?
What army regulation covers Army values? Army doctrine publication (ADP) 6-22, Army Leadership and the Profession, establishes and describes the foundations of Army leadership (including the Army Profession), outlines the echelons of leadership (direct, organizational, and strategic), and describes the attributes and core leader competencies expected of all … What are the army standards? Standards […]
How much is a 2006 stamp worth?
What is refrain poetry?
Is Hartford Connecticut the insurance capital of the world?
Is Hartford Connecticut the insurance capital of the world? As the Insurance Capital of the World, Hartford is where industry leaders call home. Hartford is the #1 location for concentration of insurance industry jobs, employing more than 63,500 Connecticut workers. The history of the insurance industry in the Hartford Region and Connecticut spans several hundred […]
Who invented Mrs Butterworth?
Who invented Mrs Butterworth? According to several reports, Mrs. Butterworth is based on actress Thelma “Butterfly” McQueen who reportedly modeled for the brand. She played a character called Prissy in the 1939 movie Gone with the Wind. What does Mrs Butterworth stand for? “The Mrs. Butterworth’s brand, including its syrup packaging, is intended to evoke […]
Can dry navy beans go bad?
Can dry navy beans go bad? Properly stored, dried navy beans will generally stay at best quality for about 2 to 3 years at normal room temperature, although they will usually remain safe to use after that. To maximize the shelf life of dried navy beans, keep the package tightly closed at all times. How […]