Why does my teenager get headaches? Common causes of headaches Stress—Pressure at school or at home, arguments with parents or friends, having too much to do, and feeling anxious or depressed can all cause a headache. Illness—Headaches often are a symptom of other illnesses. When should a teenager worry about headaches? How do I know […]
Why do students need to take an exam?
Why do students need to take an exam? Exams improve the student’s overall personality, memory, and their revision skills. Generally, students give oral and written exams in their schools/colleges. They have a wrong belief like an exam is unnecessary, but if they try to think in a detailed positive manner, they can understand the benefits […]
What is the solvent of hot chocolate?
What is the solvent of hot chocolate? In hot chocolate, the hot water or hot milk acts as the solvent that dissolves the cocoa powder, the solute. What is the solvent in chocolate milkshake? The liquid is called the solvent. The substance being dissolved is the solute. Sometimes solutions are made of two liquids mixed […]
What was India known for trading?
What was India known for trading? India is the leading diamond exporter in the world with a 22.8% market share of an annual export market worth $116 billion. For the past five years, India’s total diamond exports were consistently above $23 billion per year. Why was trade important in ancient India? These routes were the […]
Which gelatin is kosher?
Which gelatin is kosher? In e-mail correspondence, Miriam Wudowsky of the OK kosher certifying agency said, “Kosher gelatin is made from kosher fish and/or agar agar. The OK never uses anything made from pig or other nonkosher animals.” The OU does certify as kosher the bovine gelatin derived from cattle slaughtered in kosher fashion. Is […]
Who would win husky or German Shepherd?
Can horses get corns?
Can horses get corns? Humans aren’t the only ones who can get corns, horses can suffer from them too! Dry corns, moist corns and infected corns are all causes of lameness seen in shod horses. How can a farrier treat lameness caused by a corn? If a barefoot horse develops corns, horse owners can use […]
Which step in the process defines the latent image on the drum?
Which step in the process defines the latent image on the drum? Because the photosensitive coating on the drum becomes conductive when exposed to light, the charges on the surface of the drum exposed to the laser conduct to the base layer, which is connected to a ground. The result is a near zero volt […]
What did Theodore Roosevelt do during the Progressive Era?
What did Theodore Roosevelt do during the Progressive Era? President Theodore Roosevelt was a leader of the Progressive movement, and he championed his “Square Deal” domestic policies, promising the average citizen fairness, breaking of trusts, regulation of railroads, and pure food and drugs. What did Theodore Roosevelt do to reform business? A Progressive reformer, Roosevelt […]
How do I get to Sesame Place from NYC by train?
How do I get to Sesame Place from NYC by train? There is no direct connection from Pennsylvania Station (New York City) to Sesame Place Amusement Park. However, you can take the train to Trenton Amtrak Station, take the walk to Trenton Transit Center, take the line 127 bus to Buckstown Rd & Sesame Pl […]