The proceedings of the International Conference “Enfance & Cultures : regards des sciences humaines et sociales” which took place last year in Paris on 15, 16 and 17 December 2010 are in line.
- Childhood & Cultures : the encounter of two “small” scientific objects
Construction of the tastes
- Cultures juveniles : diversity of references or conformism ?
Sylvain AQUATIAS - Video games of the childhood : a plural culture
Frédéric DAJEZ and Nathalie ROUCOUS - “Harry Potter, Eragon, Twilight…” why series like these as teenagers?
Pascale EZAN - Dietary practices adolescent girls. Situations, identifications and cultures
Marie-Pierre JULIEN - “And yet it moves!”. The skateboard as a space of reproduction interpretative teens
Salvatore LA MENDOLA and Davide STERCHELE - The “melting-pot” cultural adolescence : focus on food
Aurélie MAURICE - Mozart, Lorie, Metallica and other… : between classical, pop and rock, the hybrid culture of the apprentice(s)musician(do)s (6-17 years)
Catherine MONNOT - The Cultural Consumption and Practices of Young People in Catalonia. A first approximation by way of the Survey of the Cultural Consumption and Practices of Children 2007-2008
Culture youth culture school
- Activities elective and formation of the self
Anne BARRERE - The delicate articulation of cultures in school and young. The uses of Twilight a couple of teachers of a high school PTA
Eric DAGIRAL and Laurent TESSIER - Aestheticization of popular, popularization of the scientist : the strategies of using culture to juvenile in the course of music education at the college
Florence ELOY - The media cultures and the school cultures are not contradictory or antagonistic ?
Sophie JEHEL - “Pass me your duty ! “. Insights into the cultures of adolescents through the analysis of copying in class
Antonietta MIGLIORE - Youth Cultures and cultures legitimate in textbooks in France and Germany
Devices and mediation
- Celebrate his birthday at the museum : a ritual of childhood, between transmission and commodification
Marie-Christine BORDEAUX - The report of the “little ones” to the 7th art : debates around School and cinema
Perrine BOUTIN - The public art schools : training and socialization of adolescents in the area of arts teaching out of field school
Frederique JOLY - Institutional arrangements and cultural practices in juvenile common : the reception of the devices on the film by the young rhône-alpes region
Tomas LEGON - Culture of juvenile and public libraries : the institutional treatment practices juvenile
Claude POISSENOT - The creation of the opera for the child-viewer or the discovery of a genre through the school trips to Paris, Leeds and Vienna
Children, moreover, children by
- Mbyá children’s knowledge
Noelia ENRIZ - Queens that are and Queens that used to be: children and political culture in France and England
Family and transmission
- Culture, recreation and fraternal relations
Martine SHORT and Gaële HENRI-PANABIERE - Cultural practices for children and educational strategies of parents : effects of delegation in the transmission of cultural practices
Samuel JULHE and Stephanie MIROUSE - The effects of the activity status of mothers on leisure activities for the children : the discovery of the reading by 3 to 5 years
Clear LETROUBLON - Adolescence, how many cultures ? First results of the longitudinal survey on the cultural practices of children and adolescents
Pierre MERCKLE - The weight of family influences in the constitution of cultural profiles teens
Fanny FOX
Borders of ages
- Cultures adolescent girls and digital worlds : when the young were no longer age
Vincent BERRY - The imaging of the borders of the children : state of knowledge and research perspectives
Simona de IULIO - Play the wolf and become grand : the entry in the 6th or the resignation to the school games
Benedict DEJAIFFE and Stephanie RUBI - Passages between the child-schoolboy, and the pre-college student : perspectives on the transition from CM2 to the sixth
Julie DELALANDE, Nathalie DUPONT and Laurence FILISETTI - Hypersexualization of girls and the troubles of the borders of the age
Corinne DESTAL - Childhoods and adolescences : devices and constructions discursive gap multiple temporalities
Gilles PRONOVOST and Joël ZAFFRAN - Simply children’s play? Reconfiguring child-adult relations in a leisure place for children
Caterina SATTA
Images of childhood
- The social patterns of relation to culture as conveyed by the literature of youth
Stéphane BONNERY - “Tell me about the museum, draw me a museum “. An analysis of the representations of museums in the 8-11 years
Anne JONCHERY - The child and the recapitulation of the culture. About Granville Stanley Hall
Dominique OTTAVI - The children’s panel : perspectives on the details of an interaction urban
Alain VULBEAU - Celebrity and performance in the hopes of children
Emily BISHOP, Melody WEST and Karen WILLIS
Memories of childhood
- Gender, Early Socialization in the Arts, and Cultural Participation in the United States
Angèle CHRISTIN - The child, family and music
Typhaine PINVILLE - The other chamber music, how many young teen-es have learned the music
François RIBAC
Digital and social link
- Towards a new culture as a pre-teen ? The connection as the reconfiguration of the practices and their legitimacy
Martine AZAM, Johann CHAULET and Jean-Pierre ROUCH - The digital culture of young chinese : writing practices peer-to-peer
Gladys CHICHARRO SAITO - New forms of solidarity : video games
Marina d’AMATO - Children, internet cultures and online social networks
Ana DELICADO and Nuno de ALMEIDA ALVES - Media practices in a creole society : negotiations around the cultures teenage girls to The Meeting.
Flavie PLANT
Practices and genre
- Techniques that make women. Activities textiles and their learning in the T’ai Dam in Northern Laos
Natacha COLLOMB - The report in the culture of girls in a suburban district
Isabelle DANIC - Cultural practices and sexualization of the bodies of the girls at the time of entry into adolescence
Aurélia MARDON - Socialization family and investment of girls and boys in practical, cultural, and sporting associations
Christine MENNESSON - Gender, sexual Identity, and the emergence of cultures enfantines differentiated kindergarten
Yoan MIEYAA and Nathalie ROUYER - Socialization of gender and bodily practices in early childhood. The place of initiation in cultural and sports activities
Gérard NEYRAND - The library, a world of women. Determinations and consequences on the segmentation of the public young people in libraries
Mariangela ROSELLI - Both boys and girls. Leisure and cultural differentiation of gender in childhood
Sophie RUEL-WHEATEAR - The social dimensions of the practice of football among the boys of the lower classes
Questions of method
- How to observe the sociability teenager ? A study on three fronts
Claire BALLEYS - Drawing : a way of expression and production of crops, nursery rhymes
Angela MEYER BORBA - Interviewing children about their cultural practices : problems of method
Olivier VANHEE
Sociability peer
- Between cultural consumption and consumer culture : observation of the phenomenon Tecktonik
Baptist CLERET - The exchange of snacks to the elementary school. A cultural practice specific to childhood?
Géraldine COMORETTO - Groups of friends in college, and cultural practices
System objects
- Fun culture : the game of child to leisure adult
Antoine DAUPHRAGNE - Pocket money as a way to regulate the consumption child
Valerie-Ines de La VILLE and Márcio DIAS - Objects of care, objects to self. The manufacture of a body intimate among children 9 to 13 years old
Nicoletta DIASIO et Virginie VINEL - Stuffed toys, pacifiers and teats : the socialization of children to these “transitional object”
Rachel GASPARINI - “There has Dora on my socks ! “. Reports on reading 3-6 years old and their representations on the world of the book
Berenice WATY - Thirty years of catalogs of toys : mobility and permanence of the categories of genre