Could The Hobbit have been one movie?

Could The Hobbit have been one movie?

The Hobbit, yes, LOTR, probably no—at least not effectively. For TH it would be easy to put all of the elements of the book-story into one film, with just a little more added in and it could still have all fit into one movie.

Should I watch The Hobbit or LOTR first?

For the films, watch Lord of the Rings first, then watching The Hobbit is optional because it’s almost completely unlike the books or the prior three films in tone or content.

What was wrong with the Hobbit movies?

One of the main problems in adapting The Hobbit is that Smaug the dragon doesn’t fit the mold of a modern villain, being little more than a hoarder with a bad temper. To solve the problem, Jackson’s Smaug was more vicious than his book counterpart, and this alteration worked well enough for film.

Why is the hobbit not as good as LOTR?

Easter eggs and callbacks to The Lord of the Rings were shamelessly forced into the unnecessary subplots of The Hobbit. The Hobbit falls into the pitfalls of the prequel by focusing too much on the past and not enough on telling its own stories. As the original, The Lord of the Rings didn’t have any of those problems.

Why is The Hobbit CGI so bad?

It all comes down to preproduction time. Since LOTR wasn’t well funded in the beginning due to very few people thinking it would work, they had to plan every detail , and CGI was so much more expensive back then. That’s why all of the extras have such detailed costumes.

Why is Legolas so different in the Hobbit?

Orlando hated the contacts he wore in the Rings trilogy because they stung his eyes after a long time of shooting the film. PJ changed Legolas’ eyes in the Hobbit to distinguish him from from the Silvan elves of Mirkwood, as Thranduil and his son Legolas are both of the Sindarin.28

Who married Legolas?


Why does Legolas bleed in the Hobbit?

Thus, when it was time to invent a rivalry between Legolas and Bolg the orc, they needed to prove Bolg’s brutal strength and ferocious fighting ability to the audience. Making Legolas bleed was a quick visual shorthand for showing that he was fighting someone who was a legitimate threat to him.

Is Legolas half human?

As a son of the Elven-king Thranduil, who had originally come from Doriath, Legolas was at least half Sindarin Elf; his mother’s identity is completely unknown. Like all Elves, Legolas had great respect and appreciation for nature.

Is Frodo in love with Sam?

Sam and Frodo love each other fully deeply and with as much commitment that any bond described. Sam even admits it one night to Frodo while watching him sleep.30

Can Gandalf kill Smaug?

The destruction of the dragon would be only half the job. This is covered in Appendix A of Lord of the Rings: The Dragon Sauron might use with terrible effect. Despite all of which, if it had come to it, Gandalf likely would have been able to fight and destroy Smaug, if there had been no other choice.28

How much older is Frodo than Sam?

Adding to that sense of seniority is the fact that Frodo is some years older than Sam in the books, who is only 38 when the Fellowship is formed.21

Who is the oldest in Lord of the Rings?


How old is Legolas in human years?

He was sent to Middle-earth in human form around the year 1000 in the Third Age. In Peter Jackson’s film trilogy of The Lord of the Rings, Legolas was suposed to have been 2,931 years old, but Tolkien says nothing in canonical works to confirm this.8

How old is Smaug?

Certainly dragons live very, very long– Glaurung had been ‘brooding’ for a century, and was still considered to be juvenile. Smaug was at very least ~180 years old by the time he was slain.

Who is more powerful than Sauron?

9 Answers. Morgoth is clearly more powerful than Sauron. This was not just an opinion but rather hard fact stated by Tolkien himself. Morgoth is stated to be the first and most powerful of the Ainur.

Can smaug kill Sauron?

Sauron has to make some spells on Smaug. On the other hand, Smaug’s fire can destroy power rings, but not the one ring. So Smaug has to fight with claws and teeth for destroying Sauron.11

Is Lady Galadriel in love with Gandalf?

Gandalf and Galadriel never get together in the books. While the relationship between Gandalf and Galadriel is expanded in the books (as are most things), the one thing the books and films have in common is that that relationship is always 100 percent platonic. However, there’s not necessarily anything wrong with that.16

Who is the strongest wizard in Lord of the Rings?

Gandalf the White

Who is more powerful than Gandalf?

5 SARUMAN THE WHITE He was originally the chief of the wizards as well as the White Council that was formed to fight against Sauron. He was more powerful than Gandalf at these stages, but his study of dark magic turned him to support Sauron.29

Who is stronger Gandalf or Saruman?

Saruman has white robes because he is the most powerful. Gandalf has grey, because he is less powerful, but still one of the most powerful, possibly the second most powerful of the five.

Who is stronger Gandalf or Dumbledore?

Gandalf is more fully fleshed-out, but as an immortal, he’s not a normal person. Gandalf is greater than Dumbledore, although (or perhaps because) he had less power. He rallied all the free peoples of Middle-Earth to the cause, gave them heart, and sacrificed himself to save his friends and the quest in Moria.19

Why can’t Gandalf touch the ring?

One of the most popular topics among fans is why can’t Gandalf touch the Ring. If you are wondering the same, this article is for you. Gandalf actually can touch the ring, and he has done it multiple times, he just doesn’t want to hold it for long because he doesn’t want to fall under its spell and get corrupted.

Why is Gandalf afraid of the ring?

” He remarks a few times in the films that he would be drawn to the power the ring holds and react much like Galadriel and Bilbo did when it came to the Ring. He refuses to touch the ring by his bare hands in the films because he would use its power for his own benefit.

How old is Radagast?

Unfinished Tales explains that Radagast, like the other Wizards, came from Valinor around the year 1000 of the Third Age of Middle-earth and was one of the Maiar. His original name was Aiwendil, meaning bird-friend in Tolkien’s invented language of Quenya.

Can Gandalf die of old age?

Gandalf came to middle Earth in T.A. 1000 and left at T.A 3021, so you could say that he was 2000 years on Arda. He also can’t die. This is why when he died fighting the Balrog he came back to life (to fulfill his mission — defeating Sauron). Age (as we perceive it) doesn’t exist for Gandalf.

What does Gandalf say at Theodred’s grave?

His spirit will find its way to the halls of your fathers.” Gandalf: “Westu hál. Ferðu, Théodred, Ferðu.” (Be-thou well. Go-thou, Théodred, go-thou.)

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